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Exporting data
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Does Scorebuddy offer a data export?

Yes, this is included as part of our Analytics module.

The export is available as a .CSV or a .XLS file of 44 columns including all result data.

How can I create a data export?

The data export is found under the Admin page in the Export sub-heading (please note: only Global and Group Admins will have access to this).

Set your "Date From" and "Date To" values (please note: a maximum of 31 days worth of data may be exported in a single transaction), select whether to filter by Score Date, Event Date or Last Edit Date and then select which Groups your would like to export the data for (leaving this field unpopulated will default the export to All Groups). Finally click "Download as XLS" or "Download as CSV" to export the file.

Also included on this page is a data key explaining the naming conventions and cell formats used in the file.

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