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Adding a Genesys integration
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding a Genesys integration into Scorebuddy is a one-time only task where you need to authorize Scorebuddy to receive data from your Genesys account.

In order to obtain all the necessary detail, you will need to be able to log in to Genesys with a full access account.

How to:

  • Select Score > Interactions:

  • Then View Integrations:

  • Followed by Add Integration:

  • Now hover over the Genesys logo and select Add Integration:

  • Create a new role within Genesys for the Scorebuddy integration by navigating to Admin > Roles / Permissions

  • Within the Roles / Permissions page click 'Add Role'.

  • Enter a name for the role (we suggest something descriptive such as Scorebuddy Integration Role), also add a description to the role.

  • Click onto the permissions tab and make sure the following permissions are selected.

    • Analytics > Agent Conversation Detail > View.

    • Analytics > Conversation Detail > View.

    • Attributes > Attribute > View.

    • Conversation > Communication > View.

    • Recording > Recording > View.

    • Routing > Queue > View.

    • Routing > Wrap-up Code > View.

    • (Optional: Required only if you wish to import screen recording data) Recording > Screen Recording > View

  • Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save the new role..

  • Create an API Client inside your Genesys account. Navigate to Admin > OAuth Page.

  • Create your API client here. The "Grant Type" used should be 'Client credentials'. We recommend that you use the default token duration value to avoid timeout problems during the synchronization process.

  • Select the new "Roles" tab and enable the toggle for your previously created role and click Save. (N.B - Ensure you have the new role assigned to the profile which is creating the API client so that the newly created role appears when assigning it)

  • Navigate to Admin > OAuth > your API client name (created in the previous step). Make a record of the Client ID and Client Secret as you will need these to complete the integration

  • Return to the Scorebuddy page and complete the form using the Client ID and Client Secret you have recorded.

  • The Label and Description are for your reference to help you identify the cases that you are dealing with. If you have multiple instances of Genesys it is a good idea to add an identifier to the label and description for these so that they can be differentiated.

  • Set a data retention policy which specifies how long you wish for Scorebuddy to store your cases. Once this period has been exceeded the case details are automatically removed from Scorebuddy.

  • If you are not sure which Region to select, the correct one is displayed under the password field on your Genesys login page.

  • When you are done click Connect Genesys to Scorebuddy. You will be shown a confirmation message:

  • You can now use the link to begin matching Agents in Scorebuddy with Agents in Genesys. If you prefer to do this later, return to this "View Integrations" page, select the "More" dropdown and select "Match Users". * Please note: this is a critical step before you begin to build lists

I can't see a Filter that I expect to see

The "Wrap Up" Filter:

If you do not see the "Wrap Up" filter when creating a Genesys List, this means that the API Key/Client you created for accessing Scorebuddy does not have the "routing:wrapupCode:view" permission. Return to the relevant page and add this if it is required.


The "Queue" Filter:

If you do not see the "Queue" filter when creating a Genesys List, this means that the API Key/Client you created for accessing Scorebuddy does not have the "routing:queue:view" permission. Return to the relevant page and add this if it is required.

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