This document covers two important aspects required to Integrate Scorebuddy with the Salesforce API:
A. Connected App setup and configuration
B. Salesforce Integration user license configuration (optional)
A. Connected App setup and configuration
1. Log in to your Salesforce Instance (i.e. https://[INSTANCE-NAME]
2. Click the settings icon in the top right corner an click on Setup.
3. Under the Platform Tools section in the left hand navigation, select Apps > App Manager, next click on New Connected App in the top right section.
4. In the New Connected App screen, fill out the Connected App Name and Contact Email, the API Name will auto complete.
Click on Enable OAuth Settings and set the Callback URL to http://localhost/. Under Selected OAuth Scopes find and add Full access (full) and click Save at the bottom of the screen.
5. On saving of the new connected app you are presented with the following screen, click Continue.
6. On the Connected App page that follows, under the API (enable OAuth settings) section, click the Manage Consumer Details button.
7. After clicking Manage Consumer Details, you will be prompted to verify your Identity with a verification code. This verification code is sent to the email address for the account you are logged in with.
Enter the received code and click Verify to continue.
8. After verifying your Identity, Consumer Details will be presented on screen.
Copy and store both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret as these will be required (along with a valid account username & password) when configuring the Salesforce Integration with Scorebuddy.
9. The final step is to configure the policies for the newly connected app.
Click on Home to return to the Salesforce home screen. From there, once again click on Setup (as described in step #2).
Under the Platform Tools section, navigate to Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps and find your app in the list and click on it.
10. After clicking on the app name from the list of connected apps, you are presented with an app detail page. Click on the Edit Policies button.
11. Under the OAuth Policies section, ensure that the Permitted Users dropdown is set to “All users may self-authorize”.
Also ensure that the setting for IP Relaxation is set to “Relax IP restrictions for activated devices”.
Click the Save button to save your settings.
12. Congratulations, your new connected app is configured and ready to Integrate with the Scorebuddy platform!
When integrating with Scorebuddy, you will need to supply four credentials:
1. Account username
2. Account password
3. Consumer Key
4. Consumer Secret
NOTE: Scorebuddy recommends creating a dedicated user with a Salesforce Integration license which are not billed up to a max. of 5 Integration users.
For more detail, see:
Section B below details how to create a configure a new API only user.
B. Salesforce Integration user license configuration
1. Log in to your Salesforce Instance (i.e. https://[INSTANCE-NAME]
2. Click the settings icon in the top right corner an click on Setup.
3. Under the Administration section in the left hand navigation, select Users > Users, next click on New User button at the top of the user list.
4. On the screen that follows, fill in the required user details.
Ensure the User License selected is “Salesforce Integration” and the Profile is set to “Salesforce API Only System Integration”
5. After creating the new Integration user, a new Permission Set needs to be created to enable access to certain objects (i.e. Cases).
Navigate to Users > Permission Sets and click the New button in the top left of the Permission Sets table.
6. Add a label to identify the new Permission Set and select “Salesforce API Integration” for the License type and click Save.
7. After saving you will be redirected back to the Permission Set screen. Click on Object Settings to configure the Permission Set.
8. In the Object Settings list, find the object(s) you wish to enable (in this case “Cases”) and click on the object name.
9. On the corresponding Cases configuration screen, click the edit button.
9.a Repeat steps 8. and 9. For object LiveChatTranscript.
9.b Repeat steps 8. and 9. For other objects as required.
10. Tick the appropriate checkboxes to provide Read and View All object permissions for the Cases object and click Save.
11. On clicking save you are returned to the view screen for the Permission Set.
The final step is to assign the permission set to the newly created Integration user, this can be done by clicking on the Manage Assignments button.
On the screen that follows click on the Add Assignment button.
12. From the Add Assignment page, find your newly created API user and select it and click Next.
13. Click Assign on the following page and then finally click Done.
14. An additional object that should be configured in the same way is the Contacts object.
15. Congratulations, your new API only user and custom permission set are now configured and ready to Integrate with the Scorebuddy platform!
NOTE: Depending on your Salesforce integration and elements such as custom objects there may be additional configuration required for the Object Settings of the Permission Set.
Any queries please contact