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What is Data Retention?
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Data Retention is the policy of persisting (or retaining) data within Scorebuddy, along with how and when that same data is purged from Scorebuddy.

While your Score/Scorecard/User related data within the application of Scorebuddy itself is retained until such time as you request it's removal, or 30 days after the cessation of your contract with Scorebuddy, Integration data works a little bit differently.

N.B. Automated Data Retention policies are in the process of being rolled out to all Integrations in Scorebuddy, internal and external. If you have an Integration which has not yet received the Automation options specified below, feel free to drop our Support team an email with any requests or concerns you might have regarding your Integration data.

How do I set my Data Retention Period?

When adding an Integration to Scorebuddy, you will generally receive the two options shown below:


These two boxes allow you to describe the period in which you would like Scorebuddy to retain any data we either pull from one of our Integration partners, or you push into Scorebuddy via our API.

Examples of options you might enter:

  • 30 Day(s)

  • 6 Week(s)

  • 2 Month(s)

  • 1 Quarter(s)

  • 2 Year(s)

What should I set these values to?

Put simply: you should set the values to an amount of time, that is a little greater than the amount of time that your scorers in Scorebuddy are likely to want to score it.

Example: My company's policy is that any call within the last 3 months is eligible for a random Quality Check, but we accept complaints for any call within the last 6 months, and that call might need to be scored. We also like to view the case when we do reviews, which can be at any time in the next 6 months.

In this case, you might be best setting the Data Retention Policy to 12 months or so. This allows you to score a case at the end of your 6 month complaint policy, and review it 6 months later, as per your policies.

The question to ask yourself is: how long to I need this Data in Scorebuddy?

What exactly do these values do?

These values provide a default data retention time-period for any Case pulled or pushed into Scorebuddy.

At the moment-in-time that the Case arrives in our database, it is tagged with a time that is exactly the Data Retention Period, into the future. Once that moment in time is passed, the Case is automatically, and instantly, purged from our Database. It then becomes unavailable for scoring/reviewing.

Example: Your Data Retention Policy is 1 Month(s). You add a case to Scorebuddy on the 1st of January at 3pm. It is tagged for deletion at 3pm on the 1st of February. It is then automatically deleted at 3:01pm on the 1st of February.

Are there any exceptions?

There is one, small exception to the default Data Retention settings displayed above.

If you are making use of our OpenAPI to push your own Cases into Scorebuddy, your Developer can make use of the 'data_expiry' data point when pushing the case into Scorebuddy. This option can be set to a point in time greater-than, less-than, or equal-to your default setting, but it can not be 'null'. This means that if your Developer has been told to handle an exceptional circumstances via his or her code, they can do that, but they can not cause a case to be permanentised in Scorebuddy.

Can I have no Data Retention Policy?

Not at this time.

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