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Uploading Basic Cases via CSV
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

While the best way to get your Employee's Interactions into Scorebuddy is via our OpenAPI, or one of our pre-canned Integrations, Basic cases can be uploaded directly into Scorebuddy via the Basic Case CSV Uploader.

Where is the Basic Case CSV Uploader?

To take advantage of the Basic Case CSV Uploader, your Scorebuddy account will need access to the "Integrations" module, as well as the "OpenAPI" module. Speak to your account manager if you are unsure if you have these modules.

Assuming you do, you can find the Basic Case CSV Uploader in Score >Interactions, and find "Upload Cases" in the top right of the page.


Do I need to do anything before I can Upload?

In order to upload Cases into Scorebuddy, you will need an "Internal" Integration, so that we can keep your data safe from unauthorised access by users in other Groups within your Scorebuddy.

To do this, go to Score > Interactions > View Integrations > Add Integration. Here, click the CSV icon to add a CSV Integration.


Here, enter a Label, Description, and select any and all Groups that should have access to this Integration.

You're now ready to add cases!

How do I add Cases to my new Integration?

Go back to Score >Interactions, and find "Upload Cases" to the top right of the page.

Having clicked this link , you will be taken to a new page entitled "Basic Case CSV Uploader". This should look familiar if you've used the List Builder for Integrations.

Enter any "List Name" you like (make it descriptive though!), and select the Integration you created above as the "Destination".

"Upload CSV" will have a file uploader. Please drop your File there. You will see a colour-coded message appear below as soon as you drop your file. Hopefully this is green, and says "This file should upload without any issues", like below. This means the file has been checked by our servers, and is in the correct structure.


If you get a Red message, this will tell you what's wrong with how you've structured your CSV. See "I got an Error, what do I do?", below, to find out more.

Once you have gotten the green light, move on to "Assignment". This works exactly like in the List Builder for Integrations. Select either the Group, Team, or Evaluator who is allowed to Score your list of Cases. Your left-hand-most selection will be used.

Once you've done the above, click "Create List".

How do I structure my CSV?

The easiest way to create your CSV is to open Microsoft Excel and write the following three headings into the following three cells:





Staff ID

This should be the Staff ID from Scorebuddy, of your Agent who was involved in the Interaction.


External Staff ID

This should be the Staff ID from your own system, of your Agent who was involved in the Interaction.


Case ID

This should be the ID of the interaction in your own system.

After this, you can add a Header for any piece of data you might want to show to your Quality Assessors. This can be virtually anything. In our example below, you choice our two favourite movies, along with what rating we gave them!


When you're happy with your CSV, don't forget to save it as a CSV!


I got an Error, what do I do?

Below is a list of the errors that may be returned when we check the structure of your CSV, along with a description of what might be wrong. If you find an error we haven't covered, feel free to raise a support ticket, and we will be happy to look into it for you. Any error will have a link to raise this ticket.


This occurs when you have forgotten to set the first column in your CSV to be "Staff ID". Remember, this is the ID that Scorebuddy knows your Agents as!


This occurs when you have forgotten to set the second column in your CSV to be "External Staff ID". Remember, this is the ID that YOUR system knows your Agents as. Ideally this would be the same value as in "External ID", in the Staff > Agents page.


This occurs when you have forgotten to set the third column in your CSV to be "Case ID". This is the ID that your system refers to this case by.


This occurs when it looks like you haven't included a Header row in the first place, and just entered your Case data.


This occurs when you only included the three mandatory columns described above. You'll need to include some actual data to score!


This occurs when you have only included the Header row, and forgotten to include any Record rows. You'll need to include some actual data to score!


This occurs when you included too many Cases in a single CSV. Strip this CSV back to 1000 Cases (so in other words, your file should be no more than 1001 lines long (1 Header row, and 1000 Records rows). If you need more Cases, just upload a second CSV!

If you require more in a single List, our OpenAPI does not have this restriction.


This occurs when you included too many Columns in your CSV. Strip this CSV back to 103 columns. That's the three required ones, and a further 100 of your own data.

If you require more in a single Case, our OpenAPI does not have this restriction.


This occurs when your CSV contains a Cell that exceeds our limit of 1000 characters-per-cell. Remove some text from this Cell to upload.

If you require more in a single Cell, our OpenAPI does not have this restriction.


This occurs when your CSV contains one or more Records, that do not have as many Cells as you have Headers. If you intentionally wanted the last cell to be no-value, all you need to do is add one last comma to the end of the row (so it would end in ,,).

It is worth noting that the opposite is not checked for. If you have a Record with TOO much Data, anything beyond the expected Cell will simply be ignored.


This occurs when your Staff ID column contains a Staff ID of an Employee/Supervisor that is not in the system.

No errors and now I'm on a new page?

That's it! Your List is now in Scorebuddy and you can Score your Basic Cases. The page you are on should be a list of the Cases you just uploaded.

My cases are to complicated for such a Basic Uploader!

No problem! Talk to your Account Manager about our OpenAPI Case Inserts Endpoints!

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