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Using the integration list builder
Using the integration list builder
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

After setting up the integration and matching your users it will now be possible to create scoring lists.

Global Admin, Group Admins and Team Admins are the profiles that can create scoring lists and assign them to different individuals.

Create a Scoring List and assign it

The Global Admin/Group Admin/Team Admin should go to the 'Score' tab and select 'Interactions' from the pick list and then click on the 'Add list' button.


In the 'Source' field, select your integration. You can then select Groups, Teams and Staff for whom interactions will be selected, so they can be saved and assigned to evaluators to carry out the scoring. Use the Filters to (for example) select from and to dates of tickets opened.

The first two steps in the process are the creation of the list and selection of staff as shown below.


The Type selection has four options as follows and shown in the first image below:

Manual: You select the specific tickets you would like to include in your List, selecting from a long list based on the filter query. See second image below.

Random: You set a number of tickets to return, whether in total, or per agent. You add a selection of filters (including none) and a random selection of tickets is included in your List.

Sequential: You set a number of tickets to return, whether in total, or per agent. You add a selection of filters (including none) and the first ticket ever to qualify is added to your list, then the second, then the third, etc.

All: You add a selection of filters (including none) and every single available ticket is added to your List.


The last two Steps are the Filters to Apply to the list being created and then the Assignment of the list to an evaluator(s) for scoring.


After creating the list, clicking the More dropdown menu offers the following options:

  • Edit – Edit the filters, list type, and assignment of the list

  • Archive – Archives the list. The list can then be recovered from the 'Archived List' page

  • Play – Carries out the Scheduled task (e.g. add another 5 tickets) at that time, not on schedule

  • Pause – Pause a Schedule from continuing

  • Schedule – Assign a schedule to increment the list (e.g. add another 5 tickets every morning at 8am)

  • List Settings - where you can toggle the option to automatically move through the list when scoring

Scheduling a list

As explained above, it is possible to schedule your list to update according to the criteria you have entered while building the list.

A list can be scheduled to update at a variety of intervals.


None - selecting this option when you currently have another Schedule type selected, will remove your lists Schedule entirely.

One Time - Scheduling your list "One Time" will cause it to Play once, overnight the following night

Daily - Scheduling your list "Daily" will cause it to Play each night, overnight

Weekly - Scheduling your list "Weekly" will cause it to Play once per week, on Sunday* early morning (note it is possible to change the day on which a weekly list will update)

Monthly -Scheduling your list "Monthly" will cause it to Play once per month, on the first night of the month

Editing an existing List

The criteria by which a list is generated can be edited after it has been created, by entering the Edit mode on the More drop down menu to the right of a list in the Lists page. This option is available to Global Admin, Group Admins and Team Admins.

Note there are two ways in which a list can be edited:

  1. Overwriting Tickets which have not already been scored or

  2. Keeping those Tickets already scored but adding the new ones as extra.

Selection is made at the top of the Edit Mode page and tickets already scored cannot be edited but will remain in the list once edited.


Please be aware that if you have a draft score for one of your tickets in the list then it will not be removed when editing the list.

Scoring workflow

Supervisors should go to Score - Interactions and find the lists for scoring.


Click on the 'View' button to access the items to be scored.

The screen below shows the list of items to be scored, and the current status of any ticket in the list (See below for more information on statuses). It includes the reference number as well as the agent, their supervisor and the Subject.

If other channels are being used in the integration, these will appear in the Channels column and the example below includes Email and Web. When scoring this other channels the view of the interaction will change as shown in the next section, to reflect the specific interaction flows.


Next step will be to click on the 'Score' button corresponding to the ticket that requires auditing. The user will be presented with a list of Scorecards to select from and once selected, that scorecard will be presented on the right-hand side with ticket details on the left as shown below. Attached items, such as call recordings, will be presented within the ticket, for completeness.


Note there are two scroll bars, one each for the ticket and the scorecard to allow for movement up and down as appropriate while scoring. The example below shows a part scored result reviewing one area of the ticket being reviewed.

Scoring is the same as in the main Scorebuddy application, with the option to release it to the agent if using a Dashboard (Agent Insight module).

The Zendesk ticket will stay assigned to the submitted score in the reporting side of Scorebuddy and on the Agent Dashboard.


Interaction Statuses

The list will display various different statuses on the tickets. If multiple people are working on the same list the statuses will help everyone keep track of the progress of the list.


Ready for scoring - this interaction has not been scored by any one and there are currently no drafts on for this ticket

You have a draft - this interaction has a draft available that was created by you

Already scored by you - this interaction has been scored by you already

Draft exists - this interaction has a draft which was created by someone else, meaning that they could be in the process of scoring the ticket

Already scored - this interaction has already been scored by someone else working on the list

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