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Navigating Scorebuddy BI
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Structure of Scorebuddy BI

In order to understand how to navigate Scorebuddy BI, it is important to understand how it is structured first. Scorebuddy BI comprises of visualizations, pages, chapters and dossiers, a brief outline of each of these components is listed below:


These are the smallest components within the structure. A visualization within Scorebuddy BI equates to either a graph, data table, KPI indicator, chart etc.

Example of a visualization


Pages are where visualizations are added. A page can comprise of one or more visualizations on Scorebuddy BI.

Example of a page within Scorebuddy BI comprising of multiple visualizations


Chapters are used to group together multiple pages and segment dossiers within Scorebuddy BI. The chapters available within the dossier will be present along the top of the view.

In the default Scorebuddy dossier the chapters are split into different date logics.


Dossiers are a step up in the structure above chapters. Dossiers can house one or multiple chapters.

To view all dossiers and switch between them you can click on the library button within Scorebuddy BI.

How to change Chapters in Scorebuddy BI

As mentioned earlier, the different chapters within a dossier are displayed along the top of the page. Within the default Scorebuddy dossier we have split the chapters into different date options within Scorebuddy (Score date, Event Date, Last Edit Date etc). Which chapter you use will depend on the date logic in use within your own organisation for reporting.

Note: In the Scorebuddy dossier, each chapter contains the same pages, the only difference between the chapters is the date logic used.

To switch chapters simply click on the chapter name, and select the report page you wish to view from the drop down.


Interacting with reports on a page

As mentioned above, each page within a chapter is made up of individual visualizations. Within the deault Scorebuddy dossier, these visualizations can be interacted with in a number of different ways.

Changing the report dimension

You will notice that throughout the reports there are various button bars containing different attributes such as Staff, Supervisor, Scorecard, Group, etc. These button bars can be used to change the attribute you are viewing within the report.


Sorting data in a table

Tables within Scorebuddy BI can be sorted in either ascending or descending order by right clicking on the metric name and selecting the relevant option.


Drilling down into data

It is possible to drill down into a data point to access the data which makes up the value in the reports. To do this, right click on the data point and select Go to Page: Drill-down: Result & Comments Details

Accessing All Comments from the Drill Down View

When on the Results and Comments Details page left clicking on a result will open a navigation menu allowing you to move between summary comments and question level comments for the score selected.

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