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Metrics and Attributes
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

All reports within Scorebuddy BI are built using a combination of metrics and attributes. A Scorebuddy BI power user can add metrics and attributes to a Visualization when constructing a report to view data in ways previously unavailable within Scorebuddy.

When creating or editing a report, the metrics and attributes will be visible in the left pane of the page

What is a Metric?

A metric is a measurable value within Scorebuddy, for example the % score acheived, the number of scores logged, the number of scores below target etc.

Within Scorebuddy BI you can identify which values are metrics based on the symbol to the right of the name. Anything with an orange marker beside it would denote a metric.

What is an Attribute?

An attribute is a business concept such as Group, Team, Staff, Cause, Score Month etc. Attributes are used to give context to the metrics within a report.

Attributes in Scorebuddy BI are denoted by a green marker beside the name.

For example, if we wanted to build a report to show us the number of scores by team, we would first add the No of Scores metric:

However, this is only currently showing the total number of scores. To split this out by team we can add the Team attribute:

To see a glossary of the metrics and attributes available in Scorebuddy BI please click here.

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