Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Action | An Action that may be taken against a Review.
The action titles are any of |
Answer | The option selected against a Question, on a Scorecard. Typically identified by the Label configured against it in the Scorecard section. |
Answer Fails All? | For a given Answer, whether or not a Question being assigned that Answer on a Scorecard triggers a Fail All. |
Answer Fails Section? | For a given Answer, whether or not a Question being assigned that Answer on a Scorecard triggers a Fail Section |
Below Target? | For a given Score, whether or not that Score was below the Target assigned to the Scorecard against which the Score was recorded. |
Calibration | The ID of a Calibration Score recorded in Scorebuddy. |
Calibration Answer | The option selected against a Question, on a Scorecard, within the context of a Calibration. Typically identified by the Label configured against it in the Scorecard section. |
Calibration Day | The calendar day on which a Calibration Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that day. Not to be confused with day-of-the-week, though that is available in the attribute. |
Calibration Deleted? | Whether the Calibration Score is currently deleted within Scorebuddy. |
Calibration Month | The calendar month in which a Calibration Score was recorded along with all descriptive facts about that month. Not to be confused with the month-of-the-year, though that is available in the attribute. |
Calibration Quarter | The calendar quarter in which a Calibration Score was recorded along with all descriptive facts about that quarter. |
Calibration Week | The calendar week in which a Calibration Score was recorded along with all descriptive facts about that week. |
Calibration Year | The calendar year in which a Calibration Score was recorded along with all descriptive facts about that year. |
Calibrator | The User who recorded a given Calibration Score. |
Category | The Category into which a Scorecard falls. Example: |
Cause | An additional piece of Meta Data that can be associated with a Question, which in the event of a negative Answer can be used to provide insight into why that negative Answer was selected.
Cause uses an ID produced where other Causes from different Scorecards with the EXACT same label have been created. This metric should be used if you wish to report identically named Causes which exist on multiple Scorecard. |
Compliance Section? | Whether the Section is a Compliance section used for special regulatory compliance reporting. |
Current Supervisor | For a given Member of Staff, who is their Supervisor at the present moment. Configured in the Staff section. |
Evaluator | The User who recorded a given Score |
Evaluator Role | The user role of the User who recorded a given Score. Example: |
Event | The Event Type recorded against the Score at time of scoring. |
Event Day | The calendar day on which the Event that was being Scored occurred, along with all descriptive facts about that day. Not to be confused with day-of-the-week, though that is available in the attribute. |
Event Month | The calendar month in which the Event that was being Scored occurred, along with all descriptive facts about that month. Not to be confused with the month-of-the-year, though that is available in the attribute. |
Event Quarter | The calendar quarter in which the Event that was being Scored occurred, along with all descriptive facts about that quarter. |
Event Week | The calendar week in which the Event that was being Scored occurred, along with all descriptive facts about that week. |
Event Year | The calendar year in which the Event that was being Scored occurred, along with all descriptive facts about that year. |
Fail All Zeros? | Whether a given Score that has received a Fail All Answer, should also receive an overall Score of 0%, as opposed to Failing despite receiving its otherwise achieved Score. Configured in the Scorecard Builder. |
Group | The top-level division of Groups and Teams within Scorebuddy. One Groups consist of many Teams which consist of many People. |
Kudos Point? | Whether a given Score was awarded a Kudos Point. |
Last Edit Day | The calendar day on which a Score was last modified, along with all descriptive facts about that day. Not to be confused with day-of-the-week, though that is available in the attribute. |
Last Edit Month | The calendar month in which a Score was last modified, along with all descriptive facts about that month. Not to be confused with the month-of-the-year, though that is available in the attribute. |
Last Edit Quarter | The calendar quarter in which a Score was last modified, along with all descriptive facts about that quarter. |
Last Edit Week | The calendar week in which a Score was last modified, along with all descriptive facts about that week. |
Last Edit Year | The calendar year in which a Score was last modified, along with all descriptive facts about that year. |
Original Cause | An additional piece of Meta Data that can be associated with a Question, which in the event of a negative Answer can be used to provide insight into why that negative Answer was selected.
Original Cause is the ID of a Cause as it relates ONLY to the Scorecard that it was created within See: Cause |
Original Percentage Score | The Percentage Score achieved on a given Score. |
Question Comment | Pre-configured Comments left at the Question level in a given Score. Not to be confused with Free-Text comments that are not typed by the user. |
Question Fails All? | Whether the Question holds one or more Answers that may trigger a Fail All |
Question Fails Section? | Whether the Question holds one or more Answers that may trigger a Fail Section. |
Question Free Text Comment | User typed Comments left at the Question level in a given Score. Not to be confused with Comments which are pre-configured. |
Reference | An ID left on a Score at time of Scoring, to associated the Score back to the Event in an external system. |
Review | The ID of a Review carried out against an existing Score. |
Review Accepted? | Whether a Review is currently in an |
Review Acknowledged? | Whether a Review is currently in an |
Review Acknowledged Date | The Date upon which a given Review received a state of |
Review Date | The Date upon which a given Review occurred. |
Reviewer | The User who performed a review. |
Review Last Updated | The Date upon which a given Review was last modified. |
Review Request 121? | Whether a Review is currently in a |
Review Request Denied? | Whether a Review is currently in a |
Review Request Pending? | Whether a Review is currently in a |
Review Supervisor | The Supervisor who is associated with a given Review. |
Review Viewed? | Whether a Review is currently in a |
Score | A given Score that has been Scored in Scorebuddy. |
Score Answer Key | The count-key of the Answers available on a given Question, with the first Answer being represented as 0, the second as 1, and so on. An internal concept for the most part and not generally relevant for users. |
Scorecard | The Scorecard used to record a Score. |
Scorecard Archived? | Whether the Scorecard is currently Archived. |
Scorecard Current Category | The Category that the latest Version of a Scorecard belongs to. |
Scorecard Deleted? | Whether the Scorecard is currently Deleted. |
Scorecard Question | A Question contained within a given Scorecard. |
Scorecard Section | A Section contained within a given Scorecard. |
Scorecard Version | A Version of a Scorecard, a new iteration of which is created when calculus-effecting changes are made to a given Scorecard. |
Score Comment | A Comment recorded against a given Score using the large Summary Comment at the bottom of the scoring page. |
Score Commenter | The User who recorded a Comment against a given Score. |
Score Day | The calendar day on which a Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that day. Not to be confused with day-of-the-week, though that is available in the attribute. |
Score Deleted? | Whether a Score is currently deleted. Cannot currently be reversed. |
Score Month | The calendar month in which a Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that month. Not to be confused with the month-of-the-year, though that is available in the attribute. |
Score Quarter | The calendar quarter in which a Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that quarter. |
Score Week | The calendar week in which a Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that week. |
Score Year | The calendar year in which a Score was recorded, along with all descriptive facts about that year. |
Scoring Time | The amount of time an Evaluator spent on the Score page, recording a give Score. |
Security Staff | The current list of Staff IDs that belong to a given Team. Largely for internal use. |
Security Staff Team List | The current list of Team IDs a given Member of Staff belongs to. Largely for internal use. |
Staff | A given Member of Staff. |
Staff Current Group | The current Groups to which a given Member of Staff belongs. |
Staff Current Team | The current Teams to which a given Member of Staff belongs. |
Staff Role | A Staff Members current Role. One of |
Sub Event | A Sub Event added to a given Score at time of Scoring. |
Supervisor | The Supervisor associated with a given Score. |
Tag Name | The Data Tag name for a given Data Tag ID. Example: |
Tag Value | The Data Tag value for a given Data Tag ID. Example: |
Task | A given Task assigned in Scorebuddy. |
Task Archived? | Whether a given Task is currently Archived. |
Task Completed By | The User who marked a given Task as complete. |
Task Completed Timestamp | What date and time a given Task was completed at. |
Task Created By | The User who created a given Task. |
Task Created Day | The calendar day on which a Task was created along with all descriptive facts about that day. Not to be confused with day-of-the-week, though that is available in the attribute. |
Task Created Month | The calendar month in which a Task was created, along with all descriptive facts about that month. Not to be confused with the month-of-the-year, though that is available in the attribute. |
Task Created Quarter | The calendar quarter in which a Task was created, along with all descriptive facts about that quarter. |
Task Created Timestamp | The actual date and time a given Task was created at. |
Task Created Week | The calendar week in which a given Task was created, along with all descriptive facts about that week. |
Task Created Year | The calendar year in which a given Task was created, along with all descriptive facts about that year. |
Task Deleted | Whether a given Task is currently deleted. |
Task Due Date | The date on which a given Task should be created. |
Task Priority | The urgency with which a given Task should be completed. One of |
Task Status | The current status of a given Task. One of |
Team | The mid-level division of Groups and Teams within Scorebuddy. One Team consist of many People. |
Team Group Deleted? | Whether or not a Group is currently deleted within Scorebuddy. |
Unique Percentage Score | A composite of all Percentage Scores in the system and their Score IDs, so as to guarantee that in a list of Scores there is no aggregation across Scores due to identical results. Largely an internal concept. |
Metric Name | Metric Description |
% Compliance Pass Rate | The number of Compliance Questions in which the |
% Fail All | The number of Fail All Answers recorded against Scores, divided by the total number of Scores recorded, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Actions | The number of times a given Action was taken against Reviews, divided by the total number of times any Action was taken against Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Calibration Answers that Match Original Score | The number of Calibration Question Answers who’s value matches that of the original Score Question Answer, divided by the total number of Calibration Question Answers, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Causes | The number of times a given Cause was recorded against a Score Question, divided by the total number of times any Cause was recorded against a Score Question, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Scores Above Target | The number of Scores that were above (or equal to) the Target configured on the Scorecard, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Scores Below Target | The number of Scores that were below the Target configured on the Scorecard, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Scores with Causes | The number of Scores against which any Cause was recorded at the Question level, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Scores with Fail All | The number of Scores against which a Fail All was selected at the Question level, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Scores with Kudos | The number of Scores against which a Kudos point was awarded, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% of Tasks Overdue | The number of Tasks which are currently not complete and have passed their Due Date, divided by the total number of Tasks, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
% Score | The numerical score for a given Score, divided by the Max Score for that same Score, giving the percentage score between 0.00 and 100.00.
Can also be accessed via the Percentage Score attribute. |
% Score of Scores with Causes | The over all decimal percentage of Scores that have had at least one Cause assigned to them, divided by the total number of Scores, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
Answer % Score | The score achieved on a given Question, divided by the maximum possible score on that Question (i.e. the value of the Answer that awards the largest quantity of points), giving an overall decimal percentage. |
Answer Max Score | The maximum possible score on that Question (i.e. the value of the Answer that awards the largest quantity of points). |
Answer Score | The score achieved on a given Question |
Avg Score Time | The total amount of time spent Scoring a given set of Scores, divided by the number of Scores in that set, giving the average there in. |
Avg Time to Close Task | The total number of hours spent between the creation of a set of Tasks, and the completion of that same set of Tasks, divided by the number of Tasks in that set, giving the average there in. |
Avg Variation | The total of all differences between a set of Calibration’s numerical scores, and the numerical scores of the original Scores that those Calibrations were calibrated against, divided by the number of Calibrations in that set, giving the average there in. |
Calibration % Score | The numerical score for a given Calibration, divided by the Max Score for that same Calibration, giving the percentage score between 0.00 and 100.00. |
Calibration Max Score | The maximum numerical score that could have been achieved against a Calibration, before all applicable deductions (for example a negative answer). |
Calibration Original % Score | The total sum of all Scores against which a set of Calibrations were recorded, divided by the number of Calibrations in that set, giving an overall decimal percentage. |
Calibration Score | The sum of all given Calibration Scores, giving a running total. |
Kudos Points | The count of all Scores in a set, that have been awarded a Kudos Point. |
Max Score | The sum of all max scores in a given set of Scores. |
No of Actions | The number of Actions that have been taken against a given set of Reviews |
No of Actions (All Actions) | The number of a given Action that has been taken against a given set of Reviews |
No of Calibration Answers | The count of all Questions in a given set of Calibrations. |
No of Calibration Answers that Match Original Score | The count of all Calibration Questions, where in the Answer selected matches the Answer selected on the original Score which was Calibrated. |
No of Calibrations | The count of all Calibrations in a given set. |
No of Causes | The count of all Causes recorded against Score Questions. |
No of Causes (all Causes) | The count of all of a given Cause recorded against Score Questions. |
No of Complete Tasks | The count of all Tasks that have been Completed. |
No of Compliance Passes | The count of all Compliance Questions in which the |
No of Compliance Passes or Fails | The count of all Compliance Questions in which either the |
No of Fail All Answers | The count of all Questions recorded against a set of Scores, in which the Answer caused a Fail All to be triggered. |
No of Fail Section Answers | The count of all Questions recorded against a set of Scores, in which the Answer caused a Fail Section to be triggered. |
No of in Progress Tasks | The count of all Tasks that are currently In Progress. |
No of Open Tasks | The count of all Tasks that are currently Open. |
No of Overdue Tasks | The count of all Tasks which are currently not Completed, and have passed their Due By date (if applicable). |
No of Question Comments | The count of all Comments recorded against Questions on Scores in a given set. |
No of Score Comments | The count of all Summary Comments recorded against Scores in a given set. |
No of Score Question Answers | The count of all Questions that have been answered on Scores in a given set. |
No of Scores | The count of all Scores in a given set. |
No of Scores Above Target | The count of all Scores in a given set, in which the score was above (or equal to) the Target configured on the Scorecard against which the Score was recorded. |
No of Scores Below Target | The count of all Scores in a given set, in which the score was below the Target configured on the Scorecard against which the Score was recorded. |
No of Scores with Causes | The count of all Scores in a given set, in which at least one Cause was recorded at the Question level. |
No of Scores with Fail All | The count of all Scores in a given set, in which at least one Answer was recorded that triggered a Fail All. |
No of Staff with Score | The count of all Staff who have at least one Score recorded against them in a given set of Scores. |
No of Tasks | The count of Tasks in a given set. |
No of Views | The number of times a given set of Reviews received the View Action. |
Score | The total sum of numerical scores in a given set of Scores. |
Scoring Time | The total amount of time Evaluators spent recording a set of Scores, displayed in Days. |
Scoring Time in Sec | The total amount of time Evaluators spent recording a set of Scores, displayed in Seconds. |
Sum of Calibration Original Percentage | The total sum of all decimal scores of a given set of original Scores against which Calibrations were recorded, re-expressed as a Percentage Score. |
Sum of Calibration Percentage | The total sum of all decimal scores of a given set of Calibrations, re-expressed as a Percentage Score. |
Sum of Percentage | The total sum of all decimal scores of a given set of Scores, re-expressed as a Percentage Score. |
Sum of Percentage with Cause | The total sum of all decimal scores of a given set of Scores that have had at least one Cause recorded at the Question level, re-expressed as a Percentage Score. |
Sum of Variation | The total of all differences between a set of Calibration Score’s numerical scores, and the numerical scores of the original Scores that those Calibrations were calibrated against. |
Total Distinct Scores | The count of all individual scores recorded. |
Total Hours to Complete Task | The total amount of time between a set of Tasks being created, and those Task subsequently being marked as Complete. |
Total Score | The sum of all Total Scores, in a given set of Scores. “Max Score” should be used in preference to Total Score as it has greater accuracy in cases where Fail All and Fail Section have affected the score. |