A visualization is a visual representation of the data in a dashboard, such as a grid or graph. Visualizations give you the opportunity to create visually striking graphs that summarize the data shown within a dossier in a clear, easy-to-understand format.
Open a dossier.
Ensure you are in "Edit Mode".
In the top toolbar, click Insert Visualization
Choose the type of visualization and which style of this visualization you wish to use. Some visualizations will require a certain number of attributes and metrics in order to display correctly.
In the Datasets panel, double-click or drag and drop attributes and metrics to add them to the visualization.
Once you add visualizations to your dossier, you can format each visualization individually. You can rename attributes or metrics, choose whether to display a visualization's title bar, choose whether to apply banding to values in a grid, etc.
You can select the font used to display all text in the dossier, the font used for the titles of all filters and visualizations, and the background color and border used for all containers. Containers display the visualizations, filters, text, images, and so on, used in a dossier.
Formatting options for individual objects in the dossier, such as individual visualizations, images, filters, etc., override formatting at the dossier level. Use formatting at the dossier level to provide the default display options, and then customize each object as necessary.
You can rename an attribute or metric from the Editor panel.
In the Editor panel, right-click the attribute or metric to rename and choose Rename.
Type a new name for the attribute or metric in the field and press Enter. The object appears with a new name in the visualization.
You can show or hide a visualization's title bar. Displaying a visualization's title bar allows you to provide a descriptive title for the visualization.