Media view gives an overview of your most recent media uploads, ordered by their date.
Search bar: use the search bar to search for assets by name, by tag, by filter or custom filters or tag groups.
Share search: this button allows you to share a specific search via shareable link or marketplace link.
You can create a shareable link with a custom name, embargo date, expiration date, make it password protected or add a description. Perfect for sharing a search to an external party.
You can create a public marketplace in order to sell your assets. Set the price of the assets in your settings.
Search bar: use the media search bar to search through the assets.
Combine tags to find every asset present for that combination. Combine any number of tags. The search will only show you results if there are assets that match that combination.
Use the filter button for an ‘Advanced search’, where you can ‘View the library as’ different types of user and search in an advanced way (e.g., Must Match ‘Tag X’, Must not Match ‘Tag Y’). Save the search if you want to easily access it when you’re in the library.
Use the filters outside of the search bar (Toggle on or off with Filters) to search by athlete, season, or tag groups (which you can add, customise and create in the Taxonomy & labels page).
Date: use the ‘Date’ button to filter by date using the dropdown calendar.
Filters: Click the filters button to search by tag group. You can customise these filters by going to Taxonomy > Tag groups > Visible in search or by clicking the ✏️ (pen icon) in the library.
‘Eye’ button (👁️): use the ‘Eye’ to toggle whether you want the ‘File name’, ‘Comments’, ‘Versions’, ‘Label’ and ‘Video length’ viewable on the thumbnails.
Upload date: use the ‘Upload date’ button to sort your assets based on either: ‘Upload date (New to old)’, ‘Upload date (Old to new)’, ‘Name (A-Z)’, ‘Name (Z-A)’.
Page Arrows: move through the pages of content by using the arrows that are on the top and bottom of the page. You can also select how many assets are displayed per page with the dropdown. Use the double arrow to return to first page.
Selecting assets
To select, you just have to hover over an asset and click the ✅. As you move through your different pages of the library, your selection will be saved so you can select assets from different pages.
Select page: use this option to select every asset on the page.
Once you select a whole page within a Collection, you'll have the option to select every asset within that collection with a pop-up like below.
Once you have selected an asset, a side panel will appear on the right side where you can manage this/these asset/s.
Download: use the download button to download the selected medias, either compressed or not, with an overlay/ watermark or advanced settings (Export with metadata, custom dimensions (in pixels), or target file size (in mb).
Users: use this button to share to selected internal users.
Players: use this button to share content to selected players through the Athlete App. You can choose whether to only share to players detected and whether to send a notification.
External users: use this button to share content to external users. You can choose whether to share to all external users and whether you want them to receive an email notification.
Embed: use this button to share an embedded gallery of content made up of the selected assets. Copy it directly to your clipboard in either mobile-friendly, or iframe embed code.
Use the ‘Link’ button to create a shareable link with a custom name, embargo date, expiration date, make it password protected or add a description. Perfect for sharing a selection of assets to an external party.
Use the ‘Link’ button to create a public marketplace in order to sell your assets. Set the price of the assets in your settings.
Edit collection: use this button to move the selection of assets to another collection.
Access: use this button to edit permissions.
Use the ‘Add’ button to add permissions to selected medias, and then choose to share these assets to detected sponsors, players.
Use the ‘Remove’ button to remove permissions to selected medias, and then choose to remove access to these assets from detected sponsors, players.
Project: use this button to add the selected assets to an existing Project or a new Project.
Group: use this button to group the selected medias together.
Post: use this button to create a new Post Suggestion. A post suggestion allows to you to send a suggestion to an athlete or athletes, with a suggested caption.
Delete: use this button to delete the media asset.
Add tags: use this button and type bar to add tags to the selected media assets.
Credits: use this button to edit or add credits to the asset or assets.
Label: use the dropdown to edit the labels associated to the selected asset or assets.
Individual asset view
Pencil button (✏️): use this button to edit the name of the asset
Download: use this button to download the asset, in original quality, or compressed, with an overlay/ watermark, with metadata, or with custom dimensions and target file size.
Edit: use the edit button to edit the asset in a new window. Choose whether you want to edit from original or compressed quality.
Follow: use the follow button to edit what notifications you receive for this asset. The options are for a ‘new version’ or a ‘new comment’, which can be received as App or Desktop notifications.
Ellipsis (•••):
Use the ‘Link’ button to create a shareable link with a custom name, embargo date, expiration date, make it password protected or add a description. Perfect for sharing an asset to an external party.
Use the ‘Link’ button to create a public marketplace in order to sell your asset. Set the price of the asset in your Billing settings.
Users: use this button to share to selected internal users.
Players: use this button to share content to selected players through the Athlete App. You can choose whether to only share to players detected and whether to send a notification.
Partners: use this button to share content to external users. You can choose whether to share to all external users and whether you want them to receive an email notification.
Embed: use this button to share an embedded gallery of content made up of the selected assets. Copy it directly to your clipboard in either mobile-friendly, or iframe embed code.
Add version: use this button to add a new version of the asset. Choose whether to set it as a default version and upload the latest version.
Add to Project: use this button to add the asset to a Project.
Change collection: use this button to move the asset to a different collection.
Delete: use this button to delete the asset.
Set collection cover: use this button to set the asset as the thumbnail of the collection of the asset.
Tags: edit the tags using the pencil button (✏️) .
Info button (ℹ️): use this button to view the date, format, credit and metadata associated to the asset. You can also edit the description of the asset here.
Lock button (🔒): use this button to edit the permissions associated to the assets, for privacy settings, embargoes, expirations, digital rights management, usage and custom terms.
Comment button: use this button to add comments to the asset. Tag internal users and collaborate internally.
Attachment button (📎): use this button to add attachments to the asset.