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External Groups
Joackim Le Goff avatar
Written by Joackim Le Goff
Updated over 7 months ago

The External Groups page allows you to manage all your external users such as partners, sponsors or media partners (rights holders, broadcasters, ...).

  • Search bar: use this button to search for your external Groups by name.

  • New: use this button to create a new external partner. Set them as active or not, upload their logo (optional), and choose their account type.

  • View: use this button to view an external group's page. From their external group page, in the settings tab, you can edit their name, whether AI runs on their name, their name to recognise, their external account type and specify their tag access. In the access tab, you can see what platforms user are associated to the external user, generate a new signup link, or invite new users. You can also edit the specific user by clicking on Edit. In the Shared Media tab, you can use the search bar to search all media associated to the external user.

  • Deactivate: use this button to deactivate the external group.

  • Delete: use this button to delete the external group.

External Groups Distribution

There are several channels to collaborate with your external users:

  • The mobile app: Each External group can access the app using a QR code provided by you

  • A Platform access: External Groups can log in to your platform and view only the pages and content you permit them. Permissions are set at the External account type level and Media visibility at the External Group level.

  • A Portal: You can create Portals that are fully customisable and log in protected. Each portal has a dedicated library of content available that can requires validation by an admin before any Download. Quotas can also be set for each External Group. Contact your ScorePlay rep to learn more.

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