1. Choose your file
Click on any file in your media library
2. Click "Download"
Initiate the download process.
3. Select the quality
Select the quality option.
4. Click "Download"
Proceed with downloading the content.
5. Pick multiple files
You want to download multiple files? That's so easy!
6. Press 'shift' when selecting
Press shit to select many files at once
7. Click "Select page"
You can also select an entire page of media
8. Download all selected files
download all your selected media here
9. Click "Select all media" in a collection
In a collection, when selecting a page, you can also select all medias in the collection.
10. Click "Download All"
You can also download an entire collection right here
11. You'll receive a notification when your bulk download is ready
You'll receive a notification when your bulk download is ready
12. Access your notification center here
Click on the bell to access your notification center !