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Emergency Information - Carbon monoxide
Emergency Information - Carbon monoxide
Written by Jacqueline Barlow
Updated over a week ago

Carbon monoxide poisoning is dangerous. Make sure you’re able to spot the signs of a carbon monoxide leak.

Signs to look out for include:

  • Yellow or brown staining around or on appliances

  • Pilot lights that frequently blow out

  • Increased condensation inside windows

  • Yellow rather than a blue flame (except for flueless fires).

Guard against carbon monoxide

You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but carbon monoxide gas can kill or seriously injure in just a matter of hours. In the home environment, carbon monoxide gas can be produced by faulty gas appliances. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can often be mistaken for flu or food poisoning and may include all, or any, of the following:

  • recurring headaches

  • nausea, sickness or stomach pains

  • dizziness

  • tiredness or drowsiness

  • chest pains

  • visual problems.

If you think your appliance is spilling/leaking carbon monoxide:

  • Switch it off and don’t use it again until remedial action has been taken

  • Open all doors and windows to ventilate the room - do not sleep in it

  • Contact a Gas Safe Registered™ engineer to make repairs.

If you believe that you have a faulty appliance and anyone in the household has a headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain or confusion contact your GP or NHS 24 (Scotland) or NHS 111 (England /Wales) urgently, by calling 111. Tell them you think you may be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and ask for their advice.

More information on carbon monoxide awareness is available from:

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