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Prepayment (PAYG) - Help with Pay As You Go (SMART) - Help with meter readings and bills
Prepayment (PAYG) - Help with Pay As You Go (SMART) - Help with meter readings and bills
Written by Cath Roberts
Updated over a week ago

We send you an annual statement to show your energy use for the year. This is for your information and shows your current account balance. Each time that you top up we obtain information from the meter, including a reading, so by topping up regularly it will ensure your annual statement is accurate.

Why do I need to provide a final meter reading?

We need a final meter reading to accurately measure the amount of energy you've used, which allows us to arrive at a correct account balance and then issue your final bill.

Why does my final balance show a debt?

There are a number of reasons why your final account balance may show a debt:

  • The final balance could be based on estimated readings (if this is the case, please contact us to provide your correct final readings).

  • There could be missing payments that haven't registered on your account. This can happen if you have used a different key to top up your meter and when we receive details of the payment, initially we may have issues allocating this to your account. If you believe this may have occurred, please contact us with the missing payment information (value, date of payment).

  • If you had any debt transferred onto your meter you may not have completed the repayment plan before leaving the property, in which case the balance will now be due for payment. There may have been a period, where although no energy consumed, standing charges will have accrued that have not been paid.


Why does my meter show a debt? I have received my prepayment statement and this shows I have an outstanding balance?

If you have a debt on your meter or have received a statement showing an outstanding balance, this may have be due to some of the following reasons

If you have a debt on your meter or have received a statement showing an outstanding balance, this may have be due to some of the following reasons

  • If you had a prepayment meter installed to help repay a debt, then you may not have completed the repayment plan yet and some outstanding balance remains.

  • You may have used some credit advances to remain on supply and this is still to be re-paid

  • Emergency Credit may have been used in the past and this needs to be re-paid

  • There has been a missed payment of the daily standing charge or the Debt Recovery Rate (DRR)

The below video provides information about your Pay As You Go bill

Last updated: 27 December 202

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