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Export Markers for Avid Media Composer
Chris Potter avatar
Written by Chris Potter
Updated over a week ago

You can export comments from Screenlight so that you can import them as markers into Avid Media Composer.

To get started, sign into Screenlight and go to the video that you want to export feedback from.

You'll need to make sure that the starting timecode for your video in Screenlight matches the starting timecode of the sequence in Media Composer. For example, if your sequence in Media Composer starts at 01:00:00:00, you should set the starting timecode for the video in Screenlight to 01:00:00:00.

If the timecodes don't match, you can edit the timecode in Screenlight by clicking the Edit this asset button.

In the video metadata, you'll want to set the appropriate starting timecode. While you're at it, double check to make sure that the frame rate matches your sequence. If you're using drop-frame in Media Composer, you'll want to check that box off.

When you save your changes, all of your comments will be automatically updated to match the new timecode offset.

Now click the Export comments button (it looks like a printer) that is just above the comment panel. Select Avid Media Composer.

This will open up a window where you can select the track that you want to add the comments to in Media Composer. In most cases, V1 should work. Please make sure you select a track that exists in your sequence. Otherwise, you'll get error messages upon import.

When you click export, a small .txt file named after your video file will be saved on your computer. Please note, you'll need to use Chrome, Firefox or Safari for the export to work properly. This feature is not currently supported in IE.

Now you will need to load your sequence in Media Composer. Open the Markers window by clicking tools in the menu bar and selecting Markers. You can also right-click in the Record monitor and select Markers.

When you are in the Markers window, right-click and select Import markers. This will open up the file window. Select the file with the .txt extension that you downloaded from Screenlight and then click Open. You can also simply drag the .txt file into the Markers window.

If all goes well, all of your new markers will be displayed in the Marker window. When there are multiple comments at the same point in your video, Avid will group them together in reverse chronological order. Clicking the comment in the Marker window or in the Record monitor will display the full thread of comments at that point in time.

The record monitor will display the first line of each of your markers. Clicking a marker will open up a detailed view where you can see the full text of a comment.

If your comment in Screenlight has an end timecode, the end time will not be shown in Media Composer. While Media Composer allows comments to span a range of time, it will not allow markers to overlap. In a review workflow, there are plenty of times when this could happen, we've stripped ending timecode from the markers to keep things simple and problem free.

Marker Import Errors

If you encounter an error message similar to the one below, click OK. You may have to do this several times (once for each error in the import).

If none of your markers show up or if they appear in the wrong place, you will need to double check that the starting timecode for your video in Screenlight matches the starting timecode of the sequence in Media Composer. A mismatch between the timecodes is the most frequent cause of errors.

Another common source of errors is selecting the wrong video track. If the markers apply to a video track that's not included in your Media Composer sequence, then you'll get the message that the marker is offset past the end of the sequence.

If your initial marker import didn't work due to this mismatch in timecodes, then you'll want to go into the Screenlight video settings, make the appropriate change to the starting timecode, export the comments from Screenlight and import them into Media Composer again.

Once the starting the timecodes are lined up and you've selected the right track, the markers should appear in the right places.

If you encounter any problems with comment export, please let us know and we'll be happy to give you a hand diagnosing what's wrong.

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