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Brand your Screenlight site

Level up your image by uploading your logo and company colors so that Screenlight appears to your clients as your very own review platform.

Chris Potter avatar
Written by Chris Potter
Updated over a week ago

If you are on one of our paid plans, you can put your brand first by adding your logo and changing the colour of the top bar of Screenlight. You can also customize the look of Screenlight's notification messages.

Administrators are the only ones that can change the account theme. To get started branding your account, click the dropdown at the top right of the application and click Account.

This will bring you to the Account dashboard page. Now click the Branding tab.

The Branding page is divided into two sections: Application and Email Branding. Let's get started with Application branding.

Application Branding

The Site name field is pre-populated with the name of the account that you selected when you signed up for Screenlight. This name will be displayed at the top left of all pages if you don't upload a logo. The site name is also used in the email notifications.

If you decide to change the site name (as an example say that you've rebranded your company), enter the new information in this field.

You can upload a Site logo that will be displayed on all pages of the application. GIF, JPG or PNG images are supported. For best results, we suggest a PNG with a transparent background. Logos will be resized so that they fit in the dimensions of the top bar. Horizontally oriented logos tend to look the best as there's more room for display.

The Header background and the Header text colours can also be changed to match your brand. Clicking one of the colour swatches in Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge will open up your operating system's colour picker.

Select the colour you want and this will update the colour in the field.

If you are using browsers like Safari and IE that do not yet support system colour pickers, you'll have to enter a hex code for the colours you want to use.

When you are done making changes to the Application branding, click the Save button at the bottom of the page or continue on to the Email branding section.

Email Branding

Screenlight sends out a number of different notifications. Styling these email messages so that they reflect your brand can help your reviewers identify that they are from a trusted source. This increases the likelihood that they'll open important messages.

Email from format

Changing the Email from format will change the appearance of the sender name.

In the example below from Apple's Mail program, I've selected the Sender name (site name) format. As you can see, my name is used at the beginning of the from address. It's followed by my company name in brackets.

If some of your reviewers are unfamiliar with the names of people who will be sending them material (ex. an Assistant editor is uploading cuts for review, but clients on the project are only familiar with the Producer), then switching the message format to Site name (sender name) will help recipients identify that the message comes from the production company they are working with.

The choice of which setting to use becomes more important in crowded inbox panes like Gmail, where only a certain number of characters are used.

Subject prefix

Adding a subject prefix will add the text you select to the beginning of the subject line for all Screenlight messages. Adding something like your company name will help increase client familiarity. If you're using automated rules to manage notifications in your inbox, this text can also be a handy thing to filter on.

Email logo and colours

You can upload an Email logo that will be included in all messages. This can be different than the logo that you've used at the top of the website.

You can also change the colours that are used in the emails that are sent out.

If you click one of the colour swatches in Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge, it will open up your operating system's colour picker. Select the colour you want and this will update the colour in the field. If you are using browsers like Safari and IE that do not yet support system colour pickers, you'll have to enter a hex code for the colours you want to use.

The default email footer contains information about how to contact Screenlight for support (see the screenshot in the previous section for an example). If you want reviewers to contact you directly if they have questions or need help, click the custom button and enter the appropriate information. You can format the footer with rich text and you can add links in the contents.

When you are done making changes to the Application and email branding, click the Save button. Clicking Cancel will discard any changes that you've made.

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