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Where do I sign in?

Sign in from the marketing site or your custom subdomain

Chris Potter avatar
Written by Chris Potter
Updated over a week ago

You can sign into Screenlight in from the marketing site or from a unique sub-domain that's associated with each account. The place that you select will determine whether you can sign in with a one-time sign in link or with an email address and password. 

Sign in from the Screenlight marketing website

If you click the sign in button on our marketing site ( you'll be asked to enter your email address. You'll be emailed a message with links to all of the Screenlight accounts that you are associated with. Clicking one of these one-time sign in links will bring you directly into the associated account without having to enter a password. 

If you've forgotten your site address or if you haven't bookmarked it, you can sign in via the marketing site or you can lookup the sub-domain by looking through any messages like comment notifications that the app has sent out. 

Sign in from a custom sub-domain

Each Screenlight account has a unique sub-domain that is selected during the sign up process. When you go directly to your subdomain, you can choose to sign in with either an email address & password or a one-time sign in link.

 In this example, I've gone to The first option is to sign in with an email address and password. 

Signing in with a password can be convenient for users that don't always have access to their email account on the computer they're using (ex. working at a client site). It's also handy where email delivery is unreliable.  

Clicking the link below the Sign in button will display an option to have the application email a one-time sign in link. All you need to do to sign in is enter your email, check your inbox, and then click the link in the message. 

This sign in option is handy when you are using a mobile phone and don't want to type a long password. It's also a very secure authentication method. It's also the sign in method that you'll need to use if you've forgotten your password. 


We recommend bookmarking your Screenlight sign in page. This will make it easy to use either sign in method. 

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