Sign up for Screenlight

Create a free account to get started capturing clear-cut feedback on your video projects

Chris Potter avatar
Written by Chris Potter
Updated over a week ago

Enter your email address to start creating a Screenlight account. You’ll be asked to confirm that you aren’t a robot. Once that’s done, click Sign up for Free


You’ll be sent an email with a link that will take you to the final step in creating your account. Please check your inbox, open the welcome message and click the button that says Confirm Email Address. 

You’ll be taken to a Screenlight page where you can finish setting up your account. Type your name, account name, and subdomain in the appropriate fields. 

The account name is typically the name of your company. If you’re a freelancer or a division within a larger organization, you can select any name that makes sense to you. 

The subdomain is the first part of the address for the branded page where you’ll sign into Screenlight. The subdomain field will be filled in based on the account name you enter. You can make whatever changes you like. Just remember, no spaces or special characters. 

When you’re done click Create Your Account

Congratulations! Your account has been created and you’ll be signed in immediately. 

What's next?

Now it's time to create a project

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