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Add Single Vendor

Add one vendor at a time

Caitlin Fox avatar
Written by Caitlin Fox
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to add vendors.  They can either be imported through an excel document, or added one at a time.


  1. In the Vendor List, click > Add Vendor button

  2. In the next screen, type in the vendor's name and click > Search icon

    The screen will refresh to display any matches.

  3. If your vendor is listed, click > Select. This will add them to your inventory

    1. If your vendor is not listed, click > Add New Vendor button

    Upon clicking Select or Add New Vendor, you will be taken to the Vendor Profile screen

  4. The Vendor Name is the only field required to proceed. Enter the vendor's name

  5. Click > Add button. A modal window will appear called Evaluation Workflow

  6. Select Standard Workflow in the dropdown

    1. If you have built out custom workflows, you can select one now

  7. Click > Add button

    The screen will refresh and the Vendor Profile will populate fully

  8. Click > Users tab.

  9. If you are not acting as the Relationship Owner, use the dropdown to select who will be

    1. You can add new relationship owners using the + icon

    The relationship owner will be notified that a vendor classification is waiting for them inside S2Vendor

  10. Click > Gear and select Go to Evaluation in the dropdown

The vendor evaluation will be in the Classification stage.

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