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Accept a Client Lead
Accept a Client Lead
Caitlin Fox avatar
Written by Caitlin Fox
Updated over a week ago

Accept a client initiated engagement

If an existing organization in S2Org reaches out to establish a partner relationship, the partner administrator will receive notice. The partner administrator must approve the lead before any actions can be taken. This is because accepting the lead has two important consequences:

  1. The partner will have access to the clients account

  2. The partner will be billed for this client being on their book of business inside SecurityStudio

Accepting the client lead will make official the client-partner relationship and result in the client moving from the Lead screen into the Active Clients screen.


1. Navigate to Lead screen. 

2. Click > Approve button.
3. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to review the terms of accepting the client lead. Click > Approve button.

4. The client lead will disappear from the Lead screen. 

The former client lead can now be found on the Active Client screen.

Going forward, clients can be managed from the Active Client List.

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