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Vendor View

Understand what the vendor sees

Caitlin Fox avatar
Written by Caitlin Fox
Updated over a week ago

Being familiar with your vendors' view of S2Vendor can help you to better support them as they complete your assessments year-after-year

Getting started

Upon logging in for the first time, the vendor will land on the My Requests screen. 

From here, they can manage all incoming assessment requests as well as track their responses over time.

  • Total # of assessment assessments

  • Total # of completed assessments

  • # of not started assessments

  • # of in progress assessments

  • # of overdue assessments

For each assessment sent to them, they will see the name of the company requesting the assessment, the due date, and who to contact at the requesting company.

PLEASE NOTE: If this is not the first assessment the vendor has completed, the My Requests screen will display all of the previous assessment requests as well as the new request. 

If they click on the Start button, they will be navigated to the assessment screen. Upon arriving, they will be prompted with detailed instructions on how to properly answer using True/False. They must check the box to proceed.

If there are any custom questionnaires assigned to them, they will encounter these first. They can either complete the custom questionnaire or jump ahead to the assessment.

In either the custom questionnaire or assessment, there is an +Invite Team Member button that brings up settings for managing the vendor's response team. They can invite or remove team members from here.

Upon arriving at the assessment, vendors will see the assessment that is appropriate for their classification impact (high or medium). They are not informed as to what level of assessment they are completing.

PLEASE NOTE: If the vendor has previously completed an equivalent assessment, a pop-up window will appear giving them the option to start fresh or apply historical responses. 

Whether starting fresh or updating their historical responses, vendors can click into each section of the assessment. Unlike the risk manager view, their is no scoring or maturity modeling displayed. This is intentional.

Submitting Assessments

Once the vendor has completed the assessment to their satisfaction (100% required), the Submit button will be enabled. If they click on the Submit button, a pop-up window will appear, prompting the user to attest to the accuracy of their responses. 

Once the box has been checked and the signature captured, a second pop-up window lets the vendor know that their assessment is being reviewed. 

Closed Assessments

Upon closing this pop-up window, they will be redirected back to the My Requests screen which will have changed to reflect that the assessment is closed.

At any time, the vendor can click back into the specific assessment request. Their screen will display the submitted assessment responses as well as a copy of the Full Report available for download.


If the vendor is assigned remediation items, the My Request screen will change to indicate that the assessment request has become a remediation request. Clicking on the line item will bring the vendor into the remediation portal. 

Messaging at the top clearly lays out expectations for the vendor. 

Once the customer makes a final determination (Accept/Reject) on their side, the vendor's assessment for the year is permanently closed. The vendor is never informed of the specific final determination. 

All changes in the vendor's information security program will be captured in the vendor's next assessment. 

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