Thank you for completing <ORGANIZATION>βs our third-party information security risk assessment. The information you provide helps us in several ways:
Ensures our compliance with industry regulations and best practices.
Ensures we are doing what we should to protect our customers.
Improves our relationship you, our trusted and valued third-party provider.
Transparency in our relationship builds trust and benefits both <ORGANIZATION> and you.
In reviewing your responses, it appears as though has an exceptional information security program. We take the information you provide in your information security risk assessment and calculate a score, plotted on a scale of 300 (Very Poor) to 850 (Excellent). <THIRD-PARTY ORGANIZATION>βs score was <SCORE> (<DESCRIPTION>); well above our baseline range of all similar third-parties.
When receiving such a high score, our standard procedure calls for us to validate your responses.
Please reply to this email confirming the information you provided to <ORGANIZATION> in your risk assessment is true and accurate. If you need to go back into the assessment and validate responses, please do so and/or feel free to reach out to me for assistance.
Thanks again and warmest regards,