Ease of use changes to the left menu
Configuration options moved to a sub menu under "Settings"
Simplified names for custom configuration options
"Assessment Designer" changed to "Templates"
"Vendor Custom Fields" changed to "Custom Fields"
Revamp of the Vendor Profile
Profile reorganized by tabs
Information easier to access
Less vertical scrolling
Details tab more streamlined
Removed required fields designation
Created more space for custom fields
Evaluation tab has greater utility
All evaluations housed in one place
Documents now stored under the associated evaluation
Users tab has more functionality
Supporting multiple relationship owners
Controls for restricting Risk Manager access
NEW description field for vendor contacts
Documents tab reserved for general documents
Updates to "Restrict Access"
Restricting Risk Manager access is easier than ever
Use quick slider to restrict access
Add Risk Managers to the list
Determine who gets notifications
Supporting multiple relationship owners per vendor
Share the responsibility across multiple people
More reflective of the real division of labor
Work collaboratively to collect better information
NEW split tabs for relationship owners
More focused user interface
Status tracking for open classification requests
Visibility into closed classification requests
Revamp of the notification settings
Configure which email communications to receive
NEW options added to custom columns
Vendor address and contact information now eligible
Pull the vendor's address into the Vendor List
Pull vendor contact information into the Vendor List
Overall System Updates
Sign in with SSO
Quick, easy, and secure access
Improvements to the User List screen
Cleaner look and feel
NEW filter for user permissions
New gear dropdown for quick actions
NEW option for adding credit card
Convenient and flexible payment options