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Updates & KPIs
Updated over 7 months ago

The Updates & KPIs section is very useful for company owners and founders as well as other collaborators to communicate with their stakeholders and keep them updated.


The KPIs section allows founders to keep track of their most important performance metrics. There are 8 pre-build KPIs for which the founders can edit both the ‘expected’ and the ‘actual’ results. This is a great way to have a visual representation of trends and where against the plans the company is.

Each KPI can be edited as far back as desired, and once values have been added, a comprehensive graph will be generated showing the trend as well as period over period performance.

The KPIs can then be included in company updates and shared with your stakeholders. Soon, founders will be able to add their own KPIs to the 8 already predefined ones.​

Company Updates

The Company Updates section allows company owners and founders to put together quarterly reports starting from a widely accepted VC template. Here, company owners can be as verbose or succinct as they want in talking about the three most important topics every investor wants to understand in terms of quarterly progress: During the past 3 months:

  • What went well

  • What went bad

  • And what help the company needs at this stage

One of the most important feats of a company update is the ability of the owner to attach important KPIs as well as other relevant documents. Once a company update has been created by the company owner, in order for it to be visible for other stakeholders, the owner must first publish the update, and then share it with the desired group of stakeholders. Founders can in this way easily create different updates for different groups of stakeholders.

Once a company update has been published only than it can be shared with a respective stakeholder, that stakeholder will have access to the company update directly from their company view in the “Company updates” section of the company.​

Once a company admin has created a company update, before publishing it, s/he can preview the company update as it will be viewed by the stakeholder with which it’s going to be shared, by simply clicking on the “Preview” button either in the table section of the company updates or directly when editing it.​

Also worth mentioning is that company updates can still be edited even after being published. So in case the founder wants to add additional comments based on feedback received, clicking on the three dots next to the company update and clicking edit, will enable the founder to do just that.

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