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How do you make a withdrawal?
How do you make a withdrawal?
Updated over a week ago

To withdraw funds, click on the Wallet button in the upper right corner of the site. Then select the withdrawal method that suits you, specify the amount and click on the Create Request button.

With detailed instructions for each method, you can familiarize yourself by clicking on the one you are interested in below👇


1. Select payment method Card, enter card number, amount and create an application.

2. Confirm that the data has been entered correctly.

3. Wait for the application to be processed. As a rule it takes from 5 to 30 minutes.


1. Make sure that you have created Ecorpay wallet, in case if it is not there is a possible withdrawal error.

To register in the wallet, you need to go to the site and authorize by your phone number.

2. Select Ecorpay payment method, enter account number, amount and create an application.

3. Confirm that the data has been entered correctly.

4. Wait for the application to be processed. As a rule it takes from 5 to 30 minutes.


1. Select payment method YooMoney, enter account number, amount and create an application.

2. Confirm that the data has been entered correctly.

3. Wait for the application to be processed. As a rule it takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

Follow the rules of the site and the withdrawal will be smooth and hassle-free.

💡 Hint

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We are always happy to help!

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