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Buyer Guide: How do I Increase my Sellar Credit Limit?
Buyer Guide: How do I Increase my Sellar Credit Limit?
Matt Henton avatar
Written by Matt Henton
Updated today

You are able to increase your Sellar Credit Limit with HOKODO.

Requirements and Tips:

  • A request is more likely to be accepted if you have spent 80% of your limit and have paid this off in time before.

  • You may want to provide supporting documents such as finical or bank statements. Have these as digital copies before requesting the increase.

  1. Click on you Sellar Credit balance in the top left of Sellar.

  2. Use Manage in HOKODO to head over to the dashboard.

  3. In the dashboard use the Request higher limit option to get started.

  4. Enter a credit limit you would like to request

  5. Optionally enter any notes to support this

  6. Optionally attach any documents relevant to the request to be reviewed.

  7. To finish off use send request. HOKODO will aim to response to requests within 72 hours.

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