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Buyer Guide: Edit Sellar Credit Access
Buyer Guide: Edit Sellar Credit Access
Matt Henton avatar
Written by Matt Henton
Updated today

User Settings

You are able to edit which users have access to use Sellar Credit at checkout.

  1. Click your Sellar Credit balance in the top left of Sellar.

  2. At the bottom of the page you will find your Sellar Credit settings, where you can toggle on and off access for users.

  3. If it is turned on for a user they can user your Sellar Credit balance to place orders. If it is turned off they cannot. All the other existing payment options are still available however.

  4. If you wish to edit these settings for another venue, use the switch button and choose a different venue.

Venue Settings

You can share your Credit Limit across multiple venues.

  1. Click your Sellar Credit balance in the top left of Sellar.

  2. At the top of the page you will find your Company Details, use Manage Businesses to bring up the settings.

  3. Tick those venues you wish to share the Credit Limit with, untick those that you don't. (all existing payment options will show for those you don't)

  4. Use confirm to save your changes.

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