The minimum investment amount depends on the type of account:
Investment account
The minimum amount to start with an investment account is 2'000 CHF.
This is the amount required to build a fully diversified investment strategy tailored to your financial situation. Diversification is essential to managing risk effectively.
🤓 After your initial deposit, we wholeheartedly recommend considering investing regularly. Find out how and why.
Pillar 3a account
The minimum amount to start with a pillar 3a account is 500 CHF.
Investments in the account are made only if more than 500 CHF are available in cash. If your contributions are below 500 CHF, they will be accumulated until they reach the 500 CHF threshold before being invested.
It’s important to note that a portion of your 3a portfolio will always be held in cash.
💡 Keep in mind your yearly maximum contribution to your pillar 3a.