Our Custom Intakes feature lets you build your own intake with any questions you want and share it with prospects or embed it on your website. It's kind of like JotForm and other form builders except it automatically completes your ACORDs for you.
Here’s how it works:
Browse our library of ready-made insurance-specific intakes or start from scratch.
Customize your intake to match your agency’s exact needs.
Share it via a link—through email, text, or embedded on your website.
As prospects and clients complete the intake, their answers automatically populate ACORD forms and supplements.
Getting Started with Custom Intakes
Accessing Custom Intakes
Custom Intakes live under the Custom Intakes tab in Sembley. From here, you can manage your existing intakes or create new ones.
Creating a New Intake
There are two ways to get started:
• Start from Scratch: Build an intake completely customized to your process.
• Use a Template: Browse our library of prebuilt, insurance-specific intakes and import one into your account.
Once you’ve selected or created an intake, it’s time to make it your own.
Customizing Your Intake
Customization is where Custom Intakes shine. You can:
Add new questions or edit existing ones to better reflect your agency’s needs.
Delete questions that don’t apply.
Use conditional logic to create dynamic questions that appear only when relevant (e.g., “What’s your friend’s name?” if they heard about you through a friend).
Include questions from Sembley’s question bank, which is synced with our ACORDs and supplements so that data flows seamlessly into the forms.
Sharing Your Intake
Once you’re happy with your intake, you can share it easily with prospects and clients.
Sharing with Prospects
Click the Share button in the top-right corner of your intake, copy the link provided and share it however you like—email, text, or embedding on your website.
Reviewing Your Prospects' Submissions
When prospects or clients complete the intake, their answers will be automatically saved in Sembley and the prospect will be added as a "Lead" in your Insureds tab. In order to see your Leads, click "Filter" and turn on "Show Leads".
Sharing with Clients
If your client is already in Sembley, then you'll want to share your custom intake with them directly so that they're not added as a duplicate lead in your account.
You can share custom intakes with clients exactly as you would share a submission with ACORD forms or supplements.
Navigate to your Submissions tab
Click "New Submission"
Select your Insured
Add the custom intake (and any other ACORDs or supplements that you want to include in the submission)
Click the share button in the top right corner of your submission to share the intake with your client via email, client portal or shareable link
Managing Responses and Populating ACORD Forms
After a prospect or client completes an intake:
Navigate to the Insureds tab to view new leads
Open the Insured's profile to see the submission that contains their custom intake
Responses to synced questions will already populate the relevant fields in any ACORD forms or supplements that you add to the submission or any other submission for the Insured