Our integration with Momentum enables you to import your commercial insureds and their essential data from Momentum into Sembley as well as send insureds and forms from Sembley to Momentum.
Limits on Data Shared
Our Momentum integration shares the core commercial client details that Sembley needs to keep your submissions and renewals aligned with Momentum. However, this integration is not a full data migration tool.
Certain fields in Sembley have no direct one-to-one match in Momentum—or vice versa—so we focus on bringing over the most essential data points to ensure a consistent experience in both platforms.
View our Data Sharing Documentation for a complete overview of what is and isn’t imported.
Activate Your Integration
To activate the Momentum integration:
Head over to Sembley’s integrations page
Locate the Momentum card and click on the "Activate" button. 🔗
Enter your Momentum username and password
Click "Save"
This will trigger the synchronization process, which imports all of your commercial insureds from Momentum into Sembley.
Daily Sync 🔄
Once the integration is active, Sembley will perform a daily sync to automatically import any new insureds or any updates to existing insureds from Momentum to Sembley.
Import a Commercial Client 📁
Our Momentum integration allows you to import any specific commercial insured directly from Momentum into Sembley by searching for them when you create a new submission. This is useful when you want to create a submission in Sembley for a new insured without waiting for the daily Momentum-Sembley sync.
To import a specific commercial insured from Momentum into Sembley:
Navigate to https://app.sembley.com/submissions
Click “New Submission”
Click “Import from Momentum”
Type the insured’s name and select it from the dropdown
Import Records 📥
Our Momentum integration enables you to import your insureds’ records, (like Claims, Premises, Vehicles, etc.) from Momentum into Sembley. To import these records into Sembley:
Create or navigate to any submission for the insured in Sembley
Navigate to the table that you want to import the records into
Click on the "Momentum Import" button. A dialog will appear, displaying all available Momentum records
Select the records that you want to import and click the "Import" button. You will see the records added into your table in Sembley ✅
Send Forms to Momentum
Our Momentum integration allows you to send ACORDs and supplements from Sembley into Momentum. To do send forms to Momentum:
Click the “Send forms to Momentum” buttton.
Select the forms you want to send.
Select the policy folder you want to send your forms (this is optional, by default the files will upload to the insured’s root folder)
Click on the “Send” button
Send Leads and Insureds to Momentum
If you're using our Custom Intakes to create leads in Sembley, you may want to send those leads to Momentum once they've become clients. To send leads and insureds to Momentum:
Navigate to your Insureds tab
Click the ellipsis button next to each Lead or Insured to open the Actions Menu
Click "Send to Momentum"