Our EZLynx integration through Zapier enables you to access your EZLynx Commercial Applicants in Sembley without double entry.
Once the integration is active, new Commercial Applicants in EZLynx will be created as Entities in Sembley.
How to Active the Integration
Follow these steps to active our Zapier integration with EZLynx:
Click here to get started: https://app.sembley.com/settings/integrations-settings
If you don’t have a Zapier account, you’ll be asked to create one. The integration is free for up to 100 syncs per month and you won’t be asked for credit card information
Once you’ve created your Zapier account, you’ll be asked to sign in to your EZLynx account and then to your Sembley account
Once you’ve signed in to both EZLynx and Sembley, confirm the integration and you’re all set!
What to Expect
Once you’ve completed activating our EZLynx integration through Zapier, you’ll see the following
Each time you create a Commercial Applicant in EZLynx, the applicant will be added as an Entity to Sembley
The new Entity in Sembley will import the following attributes from EZLynx
Email address
Phone number
Tax ID