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How to move and edit 2D markups

How to move, rotate and edit the geometry of markups in the 2D environment

Aifric Delahunty avatar
Written by Aifric Delahunty
Updated over a year ago

How to move and rotate markups in the 2D environment

  1. Click on a markup to enter the markup edit state. The markup will turn blue indicating that it can be edited.

  2. To move a markup, drag the blue dot at the centre of the markup to a new position.

  3. To rotate the markup, drag the arrow icon. The markup rotates around it's centre point (which is indicated by the blue dot).

How to edit the geometry of 2D (line and zone) markups

  1. Click on the markup to enter the markup edit state. The markup will turn blue indicating that it can be edited.

  2. Hover your cursor over the markup line or border. A blue dot will appear at the position of your cursor. Click on and drag this dot to create a new point (vertex).

Please note: you can only move, rotate and edit your own markups, learn more about markup permissions here.

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