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How to move and edit 3D markups

How to move, rotate and edit the geometry of markups in the 3D environment

Aifric Delahunty avatar
Written by Aifric Delahunty
Updated over a year ago

How to move 3D markups

Point markups:

You can move the position of a Point markup freely in 3D space, but it must always be attached to either a pointcloud or a model (it can't float in empty space). To move a Point markup:

  1. Hover over the cone until it turns white.

  2. Click and drag on the cone to move it to a new location.

Line, Zone, Cut-and-Fill, Height and Height-profile markups:

For these markup types, you can move:

  1. In translation along the X, Y or Z axis; or

  2. Freely along the XY plane (with the z-axis locked).

1. How to move a markup along the X, Y, Z axes

  1. Click on the markup to enter the markup edit state.

  2. Hover over any of the arrows until the selected axis is highlighted in white and a line appears indicating the direction of the axis.

  3. Click and drag to move the markup along the selected axis.

2. How to move a markup within the XY plane

  1. Click on the markup to enter the markup edit state.

  2. Hover over the yellow square (located between the X and Y axes) until it is highlighted in white and lines appear representing both the X and Y axes.

  3. Click and drag to move the markup within the XY plane.

How to rotate 3D markups

  1. Click on the markup to enter the markup edit state.

  2. Hover over the arc representing the plane you want to rotate in until it's highlighted in white and a line appears representing the axis that you're rotating around (in the example below the markup is rotating in the XY plane around the Z-axis).

  3. Click and drag to rotate the markup.

How to edit the geometry of 3D markups

Line, Zone, Cut-and-Fill, Height and Height-profile markups

  1. Click on the markup to enter the markup edit state.

  2. To move an existing point (vertex):

    1. Hover over the cone located at the point that you want to move until the cone turns white.

    2. Click and drag on the cone to move it to a new location.

  3. To create and move a new point:

    1. Hover your cursor over the markup line or border. A new white cone will appear at the position of your cursor.

    2. Click and drag this cone to create a new point at a new location.

What is the "markup edit state"?

In order to edit any markup types (other than Points) you must first click on the markup to enter the markup edit state.

When in the edit state "cones" will appear at every point (vertex) and a "gimbal" representing the six-degrees-of-freedom that the markup can move in will appear.

Please note: you can only move, rotate and edit your own markups, learn more about markup permissions here.

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