Creating An Invoice on Sentz

Create an invoice and get paid within seconds on the Sentz app using a shared payment method with clients.

Written by Jeremiah Bello
Updated over a week ago

With Sentz, you can now send invoices to clients and get paid within minutes. Below, we have provided a detailed guide on how to create an invoice on the Sentz app.

1. Login to your Sentz app.

2. On your Sentz homepage, scroll to the right on the features tab and tap on the Invoice icon.

3. Tap on the Invoice icon and fill in the details including client name, email, vendor info, amount, and tax deductibles.

4. After filling in the required details, a summary of the payment amount will be provided at the bottom of the page. Click on "Done" to proceed to the next page.

5. On the Invoice summary page, confirm that all details provided are correct. Click on "Send Invoice" to view multiple sharing options (email, URL, e.t.c)

6. Voila!..and you are done creating a Sentz invoice for your local and international clients. As soon as the payment is made, a notification will be sent to your device and your wallet will be credited almost instantly.

Sentz: Powering the future of payments without compromise.

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