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Socials & Marketing: Rollout Template
Socials & Marketing: Rollout Template

This article discusses how Serenade's Digital Pressing can fit into your existing socials & marketing plan for your upcoming release

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a week ago

When should I announce my Pressing and how?

Whilst Serenade’s Digital Pressing is just a new music format, the novelty of the product and its features means that it benefits from a short, but focussed period of attention.

We suggest setting aside an approx. 48hr window in social media comms during week 1 to dedicate towards educating your audience on this new product type and creating an exciting release Moment.

Why should I create a Moment around the release of this format?

In the high access, low attention economy of the streaming generation, music releases have lost their spark. Midnight store turns for DSPs lack the community experience to draw fans, and pre-ordered physical can take days or even weeks to arrive with each delivery creating siloed and disjointed fan moments.

Aside from providing a clear opportunity for fans to truly understand and support this innovative new music experience, the limited nature of the product provides the perfect context for a return to the thrill of release day.

By giving fans a deeper feeling of connection, not just to you but to your music community, you create the perfect environment to encourage a deeper exploration of your work through this content rich format.

How do you suggest I create this release Moment?

In the 48 hour window prior to the release, it's worthwhile driving towards any existing mailers or CRM tools in order to develop a sense of interest in the Digital Pressing. After your Digital Pressing is approved, a 'Pre-Release' page is created for your product which is the perfect place to push your audience to in the meantime.

After collecting a targeted list of your fans through the 'Notify Me' button, you can bring them together with a live conversation/listening party between band members and collaborators that will begin 15 minutes before your Digital Pressing is released.

By maximising attention and engagement at the very moment the product goes live, you can give fans a forgotten experience of community - the exciting rush to get your hands on the first Pressings.

Releasing music should be a celebration, and who better to savour this moment with than your fans.

What social channel should I use and why?

Host this wherever you’re most comfortable (Instagram Live, Discord Call, Twitch Stream, etc.) but we suggest Twitter Spaces for the following reasons;

  • Audio only (no need to get ready and approve your background)

  • Limited Contributors (won’t be hijacked by over enthusiastic fans)

  • Great cross-section (opportunity to bring traditional Web2 and growing Web3 audiences together)

  • Auto-records (you can set the audio to record and download afterwards to use it in any further promotion of your music)

  • Collaborative (invite those that have worked with you on the release to discuss their experience and share personal stories behind the music)

Let the conversation focus on the music and the stories that define it, giving fans a deeper insight into the creation process and the collaborators that made it a reality.

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