Create a Basic Chart
Column Chart, Search, Export.
Example Chart: Total Count of Equipment for each Customer by Make and Status
Create Visualization.
From Equipment table select “CustomerName” and “IsActive”.
Note: A column chart visual has been recommended.
Click Save.
Give dashboard a name , select Categories as required.
Save Dashboard.
Make chart bigger.
Add Equipment make to dimension Axis (Category).
Select chart.
Go into Inspector.
Navigate to “Title” field.
Note: Either scroll down the Inspector menu or Click on the search icon next to the component description and start to type “Title”.
Rename chart “Make of Active Equipment” in the Title field.
Click on cog next to Value “IsActive”.
Change Aggregation Method from “Sum” to “Count”.
Drag “IsActive” from Equipment table onto Legend (Series).
Click Save.
Export to PNG or SVG.
Congratulations! Your Basic Dashboard Chart is now complete.