Let's get started using the app.
Here we will take you through the ins and outs of using the Service Geeni Mobile App.
If you haven't done so already, check out our article on the Mobile App's menus and layout: A Walkthrough of Service Geeni Mobile: Understanding the Menu Flow.
Raise a New Job
Within the app, you can raise a new job directly.
To do this:
Open the menu from the top right corner.
Go to the New Job /Quote menu.
Click on Raise New Job.
From the list, you can:
Select a Site or Equipment item with the radio buttons.
Search for a specific Site or Equipment item using the Search Keyword field.
You can then choose to either:
Raise an equipment job by selecting the equipment from the list and then the type Service Task or Repair Task.
Continue with Raise New Job Details.
Raising a Site Job
Raising a Job to a Site will not have any equipment on the job, this may be because it's not listed or if you are unsure of which piece of equipment the job is for before you action the job.
Select the +Raise Site Job link.
Continue with Raise New Job Details
Raising an Equipment Job
You can raise a Service Task or a Repair Task for the equipment by clicking the Service or Repair Task buttons.
Repair Task
When you select Repair Task, a confirmation alert will pop up, asking if you want to proceed with raising it.
You can then fill in all the necessary fields.
Service Task
When you select Service Task a confirmation alert will appear, asking if you want to proceed with raising it.
The raise Service Task will ask you for the type of service, which you can select from the list.
Click Select.
Continue with Raise New Job Details
Raise New Job Details
Whichever type of job you are raising you will need to complete the detail as required.
The following fields are *mandatory to raise the job.
Reason to Raise Job
Order Reference
In addition, the below fields can be entered:
Contact Person,
Internal Notes
Select a Priority from the drop down.
Click Select.
Reason to Raise Job
This is the reason why you wish to raise this job, it could be something as simple as "damaged equipment".
Order Reference
This could be the name of the contact if they are not listed.
This will autofill from the system, you can however change it by clicking the Change button.
By clicking Change you will be prompted if you would like to reset the Contact Details.
Click Yes to continue, or No if not.
Contact Person
Click on Contact Person and select from the list.
The Contacts displayed are those already listed in the system against the site record.
Click Select.
If a mobile number is stored against the contact record it will populate the Contact Number field.
If this is related to a specific asset on-site, you'll be able to select or add it.
Here you can scan a barcode or QR code.
To learn more about bar and QR codes go to Using the scanner.
Or Click select from the list.
Internal Notes
Internal Notes will only be available to your admin team and not the Customer.
Enter any Notes as required.
Once you've filled out the necessary details
Click Raise Job.
This will push it into the system, and you'll see it in your job list in real time.
You have successfully Raised a New Job!
The job will be given a number dependent on your system.
Working on an Existing Job
You can work on an existing job:
Tap on the Job Card from your job list to open it.
Here, you'll see all relevant details like the job description, assigned tasks, and any attached equipment.
Click on the phone button to call the contact at the site.
Click on the location button to find the site on the map and get directions.
Click on the van button to start travelling to the job.
Click on Start the Task button to start working on the job.
Start the Task
When you are ready to start:
Click Travelling to Job.
Once you have arrived and are ready to start:
Click Start the Task.
By selecting the Start the Task, and Travelling to Job buttons it will start and stop the watch accordingly.
The stopwatch configuration setting is optional and is generally set to "on" for your system, if this is turned to "off" it would allow engineers to manually add time.
Speak to your Admin Team for further details.
Accepting / Rejecting a Job
From within the mobile app, you can Accept or Reject Jobs.
You can accept a job by clicking the Accept button.
Click Yes To accept or No to cancel.
If you need to Reject a job:
The job will disappear from your job list.
A New Job has been Issued.
When a new Job is sent to your device the message New Job Issued pop-up will appear.
Click on OK.
This acknowledges that you have received the job.
Then, click Jump to Job.
Doing this will take you directly to the job for you to review and work on.
Task Details
The Detail tab shows site access times, customer and task details, and other engineers assigned to the job.
Details (Task) Actions
In the Detail view, you can access more functionality by tapping the Actions button, a popup will appear.
In the popup window, you can:
Edit Task Details
Take Site Photo
Site Photo from Gallery
Add Site Documents
Take Job Photos
Job Photo from Gallery
Add Job Documents
Sent To Engineer
Add Engineer
Take Ownership
Edit Task Details
Here you can edit and change the reason for the call (description), the priority, and job status and add or update an order reference.
Click Save.
Job Status
Select job status from the list.
Here you can also search a job status keyword.
Click Select.
Select the priority from the list.
Once selected, Click Save.
Take Site Photo
Click on Take Site Photo will open your device camera, allowing you to add a photo/s to the task.
Site Photo from Gallery
Click on Site Photo from Gallery will open your device gallery, allowing you to select from your gallery (previously taken photos) and add to the Task.
Add Site Documents
Click on Add Site Documents will allow you to select from the photo library, take a photo or choose a file, allowing you to quickly add additional information to the site.
Take Job Photos
Click on Take Job Photos will open your device camera, allowing you to add a photo/s to the Job.
Job Photo from Gallery
Click on Job Photo from Gallery will open your device gallery, allowing you to select from your gallery (previously taken photos) and add to the Job.
Add Job Documents
Click on Add Job Documents will allow you to select from the photo library, take a photo or choose a file, allowing you to quickly add additional information to the job.
Send To Engineer
You may need to send a job to another Engineer for further investigation or because your shift is finishing.
Here you can send a task from a job to another Engineer to action.
Click the engineer you wish to send the task to.
Once selected, Click Send The Task.
Add Engineer
Select from the list of engineer/s you would like to add to the task.
Take Ownership
Take Ownership allows you to take ownership of a job and task.
Click Confirm to take Ownership or Cancel to decline.
The Equipment tab provides details about assets like make, model, or service history. You can also view documents or photos attached to the equipment record.
Equipment Actions
When working on a job, there is an Actions button at the top right of the screen which offers additional features:
View Equipment Documents
Edit Equipment Details
Add New Equipment
Change Equipment
Equipment not Present
Job History
Parts History
Quotation History
View Equipment Documents
Click on View Equipment Documents, here any associated documents will be displayed.
Edit Equipment Details
Click on Edit Equipment, here you can change and add additional detail to the equipment.
Add New Equipment
You can include more Equipment with the Add Equipment button.
Complete all sections as required.
Click Save.
Change Equipment
Click on the Change Equipment button.
Select the equipment as required.
Equipment not Present
If you find the equipment on the job and task are not present at the site as described you can remove or archive the equipment.
It may be the equipment has been decommissioned or moved to another location.
Select Equipment Not Present and choose:
Archive Equipment
Remove Equipment
Archive Equipment
Archive removes and deactivates the equipment.
If this equipment is on any contracts, you will receive the below message and the Archive will be unsuccessful.
Click on View to see the details or OK to close the window.
Remove Equipment
Removing the equipment will remove the equipment from the Job/Task, the equipment will remain on the system.
Click Yes to remove the equipment from the task.
Job History
Job History will take you to the Equipment Enquiry screen where it will list All history.
Job, Parts, Purchase Orders (PO's) and Contracts.
Here you navigate and drill down to the information required.
Parts History
Click on the Part History button to view details of Parts used on previous jobs.
Quotation History
Click on the Quotation History button to view details of Parts used on previous jobs.
Here you can view any forms..
Form Actions
From the Actions button, you can add a New Form or view a Test Summary.
Add New Form
Click on Add New Form to see a list of forms that can be added to the Task.
Click Add to Task to confirm the selection.
View Test Summary
Select View Test Summary will display further information.
Work Done
Here you can add equipment details like hours and damages, Parts, labour and any work notes. You can also add a signature, complete the task or complete and add a new task.
The options listed below are dependent on your system Setup:
Equipment Hours
Customer Damages
Repeated Failures
Book/Edit Parts
View/Edit Labour
Work Done Notes
Complete And Add New Task
Awaiting Signature
Go To Complete Task
Equipment Hours
Enter the equipment hours.
Customer Damage and Repeated Failure
Selecting Yes for Customer Damage or Repeated Failure will give you the option to add recommendations, photos, and private and public notes.
Book/Edit Parts
Here you can edit or Book (add) parts.
You can add a part by clicking on +Book Part.
This opens up the Book parts window.
Add Stock Parts
Click on Add Stock Parts.
From here you can select parts from a van, branch or search to find the part required.
Select the radio button Van or Branch.
Add Service Parts
Click on Add Service Parts.
From here you can select parts from van, branch or search to find the part required.
If you have parts stored on your Van they will appear here.
Select the Branch radio button.
Click Select on the part required.
Here you will be given the stock levels.
Adjust the quantity by using the + / - buttons.
Click on Add to Task to add the part to the task.
If the Part isn't listed or you need to order parts click on Create Part Request.
View Part Requests
Click on View Part Requests.
Here any outstanding part request will be listed.
You can search for part requests by a word and change the search criteria by date range and status. You can also scan a barcode for a part.
Raise Part Requests
You can raise part requests in this section.
Click on Raise Part Requests
Here you can select by SKU or Miscellaneous.
Next, add in the quantity, and any notes. If you don't have a part number here you can add a photo or a document.
Add Miscellaneous Item
Click on Add Miscellaneous Item.
Select the Miscellaneous radio button.
Here you can enter a product name, the quantity required and cost price, the sale price and the Supplier name. Fields marked with * red asterisk are mandatory.
View/Edit Parts
This allows you to select Parts from the list to add to the task.
Allows you to view and edit parts already added to the task.
Click on View/Edit Parts
View/Edit Labour
Here you can see all the time currently booked.
Click on View/Edit Labour
View Labour
Book Labour
Here you can Select Activity and adjust the duration.
Click on +Book Labour.
Click on Add Labour.
Click on Update.
Complete and Add New Tasks and Equipment
You can add new tasks directly to a job, including adding new equipment if it's not already in the system. This feature allows for flexibility when new equipment is discovered or needs to be worked on at the site.
Complete a Task
Tasks can be completed or set to "Awaiting Signature" if the client isn't available for signing at that time.
Awaiting Signature
Interim job sheets allow for partial completion acknowledgement without closing the task.
Add New Tasks and Equipment
Click on +Add New Equipment & Raise Task.
Here you can also add a task to the Site that is not based on equipment.
Click +Add Site Task.
Completing a Job
Once the task is completed:
You can review the job summary, ensuring all notes, tasks, and customer signatures are gathered.
Finally, tap Complete Job.
Once tasks are complete, you're asked to select the Next Activity (e.g. travelling to the next job, or taking a break).
The system helps avoid errors by requiring the engineer to click "Working on Job" before they can proceed, ensuring all steps are followed.
Congratulations! You have Completed a Job.