Get familiar with how Special Price Profiles work.
Special price profiles can be set up to give a special price against a Service type, a Charge Code, Stock Price bands or an Engineer. Special prices can be a deduction or an increase in value.
This allows a customer to have an individual specific price against a product e.g. 5% off, or a 5% surcharge, which allows for flexibility for individual pricing.
Getting There
You can access Special Price Profiles through the Customer Account Details Page.
To get there, go to Records from the menu bar.
Choose Customer & Site Records.
From the list, select a record and click the Edit icon via the Action Tray to open the Customer Account Details Page.
Create a Special Price Profile
To create or edit a Special Price Profile:
Scroll down to the Financial Details section.
Click on the ellipses (...) to view the Special Price Profile list.
From here you can Add a new profile or Edit an existing one.
For this exercise, we will create a new profile.
To start things off, you need to name the profile.
Now you can build some profiles with the Add button.
This opens the Add Special Profile Price window where you must fill out all the necessary fields.
Special Price Type
There are four Special Price Types to choose from:
Service Type Special Type (Based on Equipment Type).
Cost Code Special Price
Stock Price Bands
Engineer Special Price
You can create a Special Price Profile for each individual special price type, or add them all to one Special Price Profile.
You can see from the above example, that this Profile has all 4 Special Price Types added to it.
We will now go into detail on how to set each type up.
Service Type Special Type (Based on Equipment Type)
If you need to create a separate cost for specific equipment or service types and still include its Charge Code, e.g. adding a discount to only the green trucks during a service, this is where you do it.
So, you can start filling out the fields starting with:
Selecting the Branch and Site.
Then, using the ellipsis (...), select a Charge Code.
Add the Equipment Type.
Followed by the Service Type - This allows you to select one or more services linked to an Equipment Type.
In Adjustment Type, you can Increase or Decrease the percentage Based on:
Cost Price
Sell Price
List Price
If Value is selected, the Standard Price is overruled and replaced with the Special Price.
So, in summary, the Special Price above will charge £45 when the Equipment Type '63 Type' is selected on All Sites from the 1Hull Branch, with the CR charge Code, undergoing a D Service.
Cost Code Special Price
A Cost Code Special Price will affect a Job or Task related items linked to a specific Branch, or Site and with a specific Charge Code.
You can enable the items you want to include with the tick box on the left.
The data for Standard Charge is pulled in from the Site and Charge Code you select.
Adjustment Type can be one of three options:
Increase %: Will add a percentage from 0-100 to the standard charge.
Decrease %: Will remove a percentage from 0-100 off the standard charge.
Value: This will override the standard charge with the charge you set.
Stock Price Bands
Stock Price Bands allow you to specify a price range to apply a Special Price Profile.
Such as applying a 15% discount when the Selling price is Greater than £150.
To make this special price:
Select Stock Price Bands from the drop-down.
Choose the Branch.
In Price Bands, you can add/edit an existing one or make a new one with the Add button.
From the editor window, you can now:
Name the Price Band.
Select the Stock Attribute, basically what data to read from.
Cost price
Sell Price
List Price
Now you need to choose what range you want.
Greater Than
Less Than
Finally, you can enter the Start Value (the range) you want and click Save.
Engineer Special Price
You can add a special price to your engineers with this type.
The check box will affect all engineers on the system.
You can also specify individual engineers when you click on the ellipsis and select them from the list.
Adding notes is useful to understand why this special price was created. e.g. specifically for bank holidays.
From each drop-down menu, you can fine-tune the costs.
Once you have saved your Special Price Types, you are taken to the Special Price Profile window where you need to save again.
From the selection window, choose the Profile you just created to select it as your Special Price Profile.
You have successfully created a Special Price Profile!