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Equipment Specifications

Learn about Equipment Specifications

Written by Greg Mandy
Updated over a month ago

Let's Explore Equipment Specifications!

Equipment Specifications can be added to Models and/or to Equipment records. If you add specification fields to Models, any equipment that uses that model inherits the specifications. If you add a field directly to equipment, it’s specific to that one record.

If you imagine a car, it will have a make, model, version, serial number etc. Which is shared by others, these are all fields on an equipment record. However, a car also has individual features like colour, technology, alloys etc. These features are specific to the individual car and would commonly be created as Specification fields.

So, when you create a new equipment item, such as a Ford Focus, the specification fields on a Ford Focus will be pulled in, and you then specify what its features are.

Getting There

Equipment Model Specification

You can create a Model specific field by heading to:

  • Model Enquiry from the Equipment menu.

  • Here you can Edit an existing record via the Action Tray, or create a new one with the Add Equipment Model button.

This will open the Equipment Model editor.

Equipment Specification

When you want to create a Specification for an individual equipment item:

  • Select Equipment Records from the Equipment menu.

  • Here you can Edit an existing record via the Action Tray, or create a new one with the Add Equipment button.

You need to be in a Branch, not all Branches to enable the Add Equipment button.

This will open the Equipment editor.

Adding Specifications

If you have created a new Model or Equipment Type, fill in the General Information section before heading to the Specification section.

When adding specification fields, the process is the same for both. Also, when you add a new equipment item, it will inherit any specification fields from the Equipment Model.

For example, the fields for Vehicle length and Transmission type are already created.

When adding/editing use the specifications section. The single Cog icon will let you create a new field, the 3 Cog icon lets you pick and assign an already created specification field.

  • Give the field a name.

  • You then need to select a Data Type.

    • List: With a list type, you can add as many additional options as required. They will appear as radio buttons.

    • Currency: This allows for numeric data.

    • Date: you can select a date from the nifty calendar.

    • Decimal: Similar to the currency type, you can enter numeric data with decimal points.

    • Int: Integer is a whole number field.

    • Text: You can enter free-form text e.g. colour of the car.

  • You can specify if this is a Mandatory field or not.

  • Tick the box to make this information available on the job sheet, and then tick here if this is a chargeable item and set appropriate pricing for Selling Price and Cost Price.

  • The last step is to save your Specifications.

You have successfully added Specifications!

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