Discover how to create Part Requests.
Service Geeni uses Part Requests to notify your Stock team about upcoming jobs and the required parts in a simple and straightforward manner. This feature is integrated throughout the system, covering Jobs, Quotes, Sales Order Quotes, and Sales Orders. We will review all the areas where it is utilised.
Getting There
Part Request via a Job
When raising a Part Request from a job, you can do it from the Job Control or Scheduler menu.
Scheduling is covered in the Scheduler Article: Click Here.
You can get there via the Scheduling menu.
Raising a Part Request from a Job
Now that you are here in Job Control, you can look for the job or search for it by:
Using the keyword search field.
Or using the filter options.
Once you have the job you want to raise a part request for:
Click on the Edit icon via the Action Tray to open the Job details page.
From the tabs at the top, select the Parts Tab.
Just below the Equipment ID field, you will find the Book Stock Item button.
Click it to open the Booking page.
Here you can now fill out all the fields.
You can select the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) item from the list in the ellipsis (...).
Your SKU selection will populate the Quantity in Stock, Cost Price and Stock Receipt fields.
You can now add the:
Quantity to Issue.
The Date you are submitting the request.
List and Sell Price.
Once you are happy and have completed all the details, click Raise Part Request.
From the Add Part Request Window, you can:
Change the Identifier if you need to.
You can change the Requester.
You can set the all-important Date Needed field.
The job number can also be re-selected.
You have the option to add more items with the Select SKU and/or Select Miscellaneous.
And finally, you can add any notes for the Stock team.
Click Raise Request to confirm.
Congratulations! You have raised a Part Request from a job.
Getting There
Part Request via a Job Quote
You can get to the Quotations section from the Records menu.
Quotes are covered in the Job Quotes Article: Click Here.
Raising a Part Request from a Quote
From the Quotation Details window, you can raise a Part Request when you create a new quote or edit an existing one, which has an Active or Accepted status.
Let's find an existing quote to edit.
From the Action Tray, select the Edit icon. This will open the quotation.
Towards the bottom of the page, you can find the Stock Parts section.
You can add stock parts with the Add Stock Parts or Add Miscellaneous button.
You can select the SKU items from the list, or search for them using the filters.
Don't forget to add the Required Quantity.
The new stock is added to the quote.
Once you are happy with everything, move down the page and click Create New Revision.
You will be notified and asked if you want to go ahead, click Yes to continue.
The Quote will open in a new browser tab, close it and head back to the page you were working on.
Click on Part Request.
You can then fill out all the fields.
Click Raise Request to confirm. This will tell your stock team to prepare those parts for the job.
You have successfully raised a part request from a Job Quote.
Getting There
Part Request via a Sales Order
You can get to the Sales Order section by heading to the Stock menu.
Raise a Part Request from a Sales Order
When editing or creating a new Sales Order, you can raise a part request during this process.
You can create a new Sales order by clicking Add New Sales Order, this opens the new sales order editor.
Fill out all the necessary details.
When you are ready to add some stock items, click the Add Order Lines button towards the bottom of the page.
If you don't have any favourites, the window will be blank, click on Stock List from the tabs, and then Show All to populate the list.
Type in the quantity and using the Shopping Cart icon, add it to the Sales Order.
Once you have finished, click Done.
Next, from the buttons at the bottom, select Raise.
Here you can divide up what parts go where.
Click Confirm and you are taken to the Raise Parts Request window.
Check over the details and click Raise Request when you are ready to proceed.
You have successfully raised a Parts Request from a Sales Order.
Getting There
Part Request via the Stock Module
You can get to the Part Request section by heading to the Stock Records section via the Stock menu.
Select the 4th tab to open the Part Request section.
Raise a Part Request from Stock Records
The Parts Request module sources all requests raised. So, any job, sales, quote request etc. are visible here. Usually, a parts manager for a company will be responsible for this section. They can then set the approval status for the requests.
You can search for any requests via the search field.
You can also create a new request with the + Add Part Request button.
There are Quick filters to speed up any selection process.
You can make mass status changes to your requests:
Select a Status from the drop down list.
Click Apply Batch Status Changes.
If you need to bulk complete any requests, you can do so by selecting the ones you want and clicking the Complete Part Requests button.
When you complete a Selected Part Request a PO will be raised.
You can view all the completed requests with the Show Completed tick box. Now, under Request Status, you can see what stage the request is at.
In the Request Status column, it will show the current status of the requested part. You can adjust its status from the drop down list. Initially, it will display as New, but the options can be changed to:
o Approved
o Rejected
Once it is Approved the next options are:
The Status will also update to PO Raised once a purchase order has been created for the part.
Depending on the request type and if the items are in stock, the system will recommend an action via the Recommended System Action column.
The Action Tray provides additional options that can be performed against each request item. These include:
Edit, Delete and Upload Documents.
Issue Parts, Reservation and Complete Selected Part Request.