Let's get to grips with creating a Form!
A Form (previously known as TCC's (Test, Calibrations, and Certifications) is a check sheet or an input provided by an engineer to work against before completing a task, an example of such sheets are service sheets, LOLER assessments, or risk assessments.
When creating a Form, you can build your own custom question, utilising a range of different options such as text fields, lists and even photos. You can also decide when the check sheet is required by linking them to service types and equipment types. To top things off, you can then design your own certificate (basically an output of all the results) which can be attached to the Job sheet when you email the clients.
Getting There
You can manage and create Forms by heading to the Equipment menu and selecting Forms Enquiry.
Here you can view and manage your Forms.
Form Enquiry Navigation
Now that you are in the Form Enquiry section you can:
Search using the keyword search field.
Choose what column data is displayed with the drop down menu.
Export the displayed information as an EXCEL or PDF file.
Edit or Archive a current one via the Action Tray. When you click Edit, the Form Details page will open.
Create a new Form using the Add button. A window will pop up.
Fill out the name.
The Form name is visible anywhere on the system whereas the description is visible on this page and is searchable on the mobile app as well.
When selecting the Form Type, you can choose an option from the drop-down list:
Custom Form
Date Comparison
Pass/Fail, Calculated
Combined form
For this exercise, we will choose Custom Form.
Enter Name and Description, and select Custom Form.
Click Create, and you are taken to the Form Details page.
If you don’t have a current Form form, create a new one with the Add a Form button, fill in the fields and click Create. You will be taken to the same editor page.
Form Details Page Overview
The Forms details page is where you will create your check sheet.
Across the Top, you have 5 tabs:
This is where you will create your form. It comprises three windows: the Insert Field to the left, the Central Layout Window, which also controls the order in which engineers will see questions when completing the Form, and the Field Properties window on the right.
The left and right windows can expand and collapse using the collapse arrows, or by using the expand option in the top right corner of the central layout window.
This section will largely define where the check sheet is used. You can set multiple fields, and notifications, and add job-specific tools, such as a pressure gauge or torque wrench.
Saving will allow you to save your progress and enable the changes to be viewed in the preview window.
The Preview tab allows you to fill out and view the check sheet in different formats, such as phone, Tablet, or Desktop. You can also change the orientation from landscape to portrait.
How to Create a Custom Form
You can begin creating a form by:
Left clicking on a Standard Item and drag it across into the layout window.
A new dialogue box will appear.
The field name is usually the question you want to ask the engineer, such as "What colour is the vehicle?".
You also have on/off check boxes. Available on the Job Sheet will not automatically populate the job sheet with the data but will make the information (aka data field) available in the job sheet designer.
Once complete click Set and the question will be added to the check sheet.
Changing an Input
If you need to make changes to the question or input:
Click on the Select Custom Fields tab, within the Insert Field column.
The Custom Field is essentially a master list of all the inputs created.
Then, find the entry you want to edit, and click on the Edit icon.
Make any changes to the name or markers and click Save, or if you want to remove it, click the Delete (Bin) Icon.
The question is now visible in the layout window.
You may notice that you can Move, Delete, or Alter its settings.
Click on the Setting Cog to open up the Field Properties window.
In Field Properties, you have many options allowing you to adjust text properties, validation, mandatory settings, and availability.
When you’re satisfied with your settings, click the Save tab.
After saving, click the preview window to view your Form.
Return to the design tab to add more fields until the form is complete.
You have successfully created a basic Custom Form!
Insert Fields
You can add any fields from the Insert Field section by clicking on the one you want and dragging it to the Central Layout Window. We will briefly explain what each field does.
Adding a Space field
You can add a space field on a From to separate sections or questions. It is useful for organisation as well as making it easier on the eye.
Currency field
When you add a Currency field, it will only accept numbers, any text will not be entered.
Date field
When an engineer fills in the Date field, a calendar will pop up where a specific date can be selected.
Decimal field
The Decimal field only allows numbers with decimal places to be entered, useful for detailed data entry.
Image field
You can upload various images to a Form, such as maps, reference photos, or illustrative diagrams with the Image field. Just so you know, the maximum file size is 50 KB.
There are 3 ways to attach an image to this field:
Image URL: This is a link from an online source
Upload Image: You will be prompted to upload an image from your device.
Choose Uploaded. This option allows you to import previously uploaded images.
List field
The List field is a popular choice among our customers. You can set a question with multiple choice answers, which is perfect for concise information gathering. The engineer will see a window like this to select from:
To add a List item:
Type your question in the field name dialogue box.
Select an appropriate response.
To create a new response click the plus button.
Then, enter a response name.
With the new response, you can:
Change the colour of the response using the Colour spot.
Use the move icon to change the order.
Delete the entry with the bin icon.
Once completed, click Set.
Your new response entry is populated in the list, it will now be part of the default list options for future questions.
Next, you have the Display Options. You will only see a difference in the preview tab. The choice of Display Options is user-specific.
Choose view:
Vertical Radio Buttons
Horizontal Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons (Vertical)
Radio Buttons (Horizontal)
After choosing a layout, click Save.
New Text field
The New Text field allows you to provide a header, this can be used to let the engineer know that they are entering into a new section or to divide up the page. Like this:
In Format, you can change the size of the text. The header is the largest followed by the Sub Header and so on.
Photo field
The photo section allows an engineer to take a picture and upload it. This could be useful when an engineer needs to provide proof of equipment installed or report a damaged part.
Signature field
The Signature field allows the engineer to capture a signature on their device. You can add this to the Form to capture a customer’s signature to confirm the completion of work.
Adding a Supplier field
The Supplier field allows you to select a supplier from the Service Geeni system, which is useful when parts are required for a job and you need to assign a supplier from whom to purchase them.
Adding Text
A Text item is one of the most common items used in a Form. These are usually used as comment boxes and they accept text and/or numbers.
Whole Number Field
The Whole Number field is a numeric field best used to define quantities. When you answer this input or question, you can type in the response or use the up/down arrows to increase the value.
Field Properties
As mentioned earlier, the field properties section allows you to customise and form an entry field.
You can open up the Field Properties window by:
Clicking on the settings cog within an input field.
The Field Properties window is expanded and you can begin to edit its properties.
In the top section, you can adjust the:
Font colour
Format the text size.
The fields display name (which is different from the question name).
Field info which provides additional context to the question.
Field Name is used for referencing that particular field when creating an output.
Field Properties | Validation
Validation is a way of enforcing a response or entry to be within certain parameters. You would use this with the Currency and Number fields.
You can add a Validation by:
Clicking the Add New button, will open up an internal dialogue box with 3 fields to fill in.
It's easy to delete an entry with the Delete button.
You can also confirm it with the set button.
In STATE, you can choose from one of the drop down options, some input fields will have limited options.
In COMPARE TO TYPE you can choose Value or Field.
The Value type will allow you to type in a specific alphanumeric value in the date field.
If you select FIELD type, it will compare it to another data field or question in the Form.
Once completed, click set, and the Validation will be added.
Field Properties | Mandatory Field
You can configure Mandatory settings for your questions or prompts, similar to the Validation section. For example, if a vehicle fails its service, you can require the Comments section to be filled out, prompting the engineer to explain the reason for the failure.
In the IF section, choose from the list of data entry fields you added to the check sheet.
In the STATE section, select from various options based on your input field.
In the Value field, enter alphanumeric characters.
When finished, click Set to save the Mandatory section.
Field Properties | Notifications
The Notify section sends a notification when a field is either filled in or left empty, immediately alerting a system user to this change. For example, if an engineer leaves a comment in the comments box, the system sends a notification to the selected recipient, notifying them of the comment.
You can activate this section by clicking on the Notify Toggle.
Use the If the field section to create a rule based on an input getting filled in or not.
Alternatively, you can leave it blank and set a Value to trigger the notification.
To select a recipient, click the ellipsis.
This window displays all registered system users. If you need to add a new user, please contact your customer service representative.
Show on Job Detail
This toggle allows the selected input details to be visible in the Form tab under job details within Job Control.
Available on Job Sheet
This option adds the custom field to the data dictionary, enabling its use in job sheets within the Default Communication Center.
Field Properties | Condition
In the Field Properties, there is an additional tab called Condition that lets you pull data into the fields you've created and allows these fields to update the equipment record.
To set up Conditions:
Click on the ellipsis and select a Related Field.
This action pulls Equipment or Tool/Cylinder data into a field. For example, if you select a Status condition in the comments box, it will pre-populate the comments box with the equipment status.
Click Select to save your choice.
Click Add New Field in the Write To section to open the Related Field window dialogue box.
Click on the ellipsis to open an option window.
Choose to log either Clocked Hours or Actual Charge.
This function captures additional information that remains associated with each equipment item during every service. For instance, you can record that the tire tread depth was 2.4 mm and that the engineer recommended a replacement. During the next service, if the tire tread measures 1.5 mm and the vehicle fails, the engineer can review the last recorded depth or refer to the previous session. Since a replacement was previously recommended, this holds the client accountable.
Forms Settings
Here you can control where the Form form will be used and how it is used. The fields will be pre-populated from the data you filled in when creating the Form. You can change any of the fields but it is recommended not to change the Form Type.
In the Settings Tab, there are 4 main sections:
Form Name
Form Description
Form Type
Certificate: This section section defines what the output will look like, the Form is a collection point on its own and does not provide a full output.
To create a new Certificate, Select New Document. Certificates are used when the data set you want to use is contained within that check sheet.
Is Result Required
If you enable this toggle, it means that once this form is added to a job, the form has to be filled in before a job can be completed, and the engineer will be alerted if it is not.
This will also add the PASS/FAILS RESULT sections onto the form's screen (this is PREVIEW).
This is different from the Not Required button – which allows the Engineer to Not complete the Form.
Include with Job Sheet
This will take the Certificate that you have designed and attach it to the job sheet in the system. So, page 1 will be the job sheet, page 2 will be the certificate. Disabling this feature is a common practice for insurance purposes, to provide a certificate upon completion of payment.
If Test Fails Then Raise A Follow-Up Test
You can enable this feature causing it to automatically create a follow-up job a set number of days later. This works with the Pass/Fail Form Type as it is not a functionality that Custom Form links with.
Settings | Tools Required
In the Tools Required section, you can choose tools that are used by engineers in the system. Registered tools undergo regular legal inspections and are utilised for specific tasks that require precise measurements, such as pressure, torque, or weight.
When adding a tool to the system, you specify its make, model, and type, and then assign it to an engineer.
When a tool is assigned to a checklist, the system checks if the required tool is registered to the assigned engineer; if it is, the tool is automatically linked to the checklist.
Settings | Where Used
The Where Used section, defines how the system decides where the form should be used. Traditionally you can manually add a form to a job or you can have them automatically assigned to jobs using the features on this screen.
Enabling Is Required At The Start of Each Day: At the start of each day, engineers must enable the check sheet, making it mandatory for the duration of the job. This applies to tasks such as completing a company vehicle check or meeting PPE requirements. Results from the check sheet will be associated with the engineer, not the job.
Use on All Jobs: When this is enabled, the check sheet automatically appears when an engineer starts work on a job and must be completed before additional job details can be accessed. This feature is especially useful when paired with risk assessments.
Required to Complete Job Certificate on Each Day: This prompts engineers to complete the check sheet before logging off, which is ideal when daily expense form submission is necessary.
Usable for Non-Equipment Jobs: Enabling this allows for compatibility with jobs that don’t involve equipment. This option overrides the default compatibility rule, as the system typically checks compatibility based on the type of equipment and service required.
Include on All Tasks: Turning this on applies the check sheet to all newly created tasks. When a job has forms marked Not Compatible, the system will display additional forms.
A form is marked Not Compatible if its Equipment, Service, or Site requirements do not match the types associated with it. However, the admin or engineer can still add and use the form on a job if needed.
Include only if both linked service and equipment types match: This toggle enables you to specify whether a form should be associated with a job only when both the service type and equipment type match or if it should be associated when either type matches.
Toggle Set to 'YES': Forms will be associated with jobs only if both the linked service type and equipment type match.
Toggle Set to 'NO': Forms will be associated with jobs if either the linked service type or equipment type matches.
Where Used | Link Service Type
Linked Service Type: This allows you to set the check sheets compatible with the different service types you have in the system.
Clicking on the ellipsis will open up the selection, select the link and the window will close.
Link Equipment Types: Linking this allows you to link the check sheet to specific types of equipment. For example, servicing a Ford Fiesta will require different types of equipment than a Ferrari.
Open up the selection window by clicking on the ellipsis.
Make your selection and click the link button which will close the window.
Linking Service & Equipment Types: Enable the toggle to enable you to specify whether a form should be associated with a job only when both the Service Type and Equipment Type match or if it should be associated when either type matches.
Service and Equipment Types are created in the Equipment Type module.
The Site option allows you to make a check sheet compatible with a particular site(s).
Pro Tip: it is a good idea to link a Risk assessment to a site that you know will always require it.
Settings | Notifications
In the Notifications section, you will see any notifications created in the design phase as well as being able to create new ones.
Notifications are useful for alerting the concerned parties when an immediate defect is reported, overtime is clocked or expenses are due.
You can create a new notification by:
Clicking Add a new Notification, this opens a new window.
From the drop down, you can choose the criteria to initiate a notification.
In the Send a notification to field, click the ellipsis to open up the system users' available.
You can select one or more users with the tick box and click select to confirm.
You can create multiple notifications by following the same process.
Testing your Form
The easiest way to test your newly created form is via a job in Job Control.
Create or use an existing job.
Edit the job.
Go to the Form tab.
Click Add Additional Form and choose it from the list.
Save the Job.
Now it's added to the job, you can Edit the form via the Action Tray and fill in the information.
Save the job.
You will only be able to view the output once a Certificate has been created and associated. You can then view the printout of the form from the Form tab on the job screen.