The start date and end date of the requirement is set when the Board of Tests (BOT) processes it and not by the install date. Some people may have their interlock in for several months before they actually sent paperwork to BOT to process. They have to complete the process with BOT before it can be authorized to be removed.
If it was installed for IDAP, a confirmation of enrollment was sent to show the end date of the program.
To issue a certificate of completion for IDAP, you must provide ADSAC completion certificate AND the Interlock History Report (See below IDAP Completion Instructions),
If it was installed for a Modification, paperwork is given to show the end date of the modification.
For a Modification, they have to complete the Ignition Interlock (IID) History Form and pay a reinstatement fee.
IDAP Completion Instructions
Ignition Interlock History Form
For Step 2:
Click here to download the Ignition Interlock History form and email the completed form to the Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence ( for processing.