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Are there any other restrictions for Farm Driving Permit holders?
Are there any other restrictions for Farm Driving Permit holders?
Written by Kyla Moss
Updated over 3 weeks ago
  • Permit holders cannot be on the phone or text while driving, unless reporting illegal activity or calling emergency services.

  • Permit holders cannot operate on interstates or turnpikes.

  • Permit holders cannot drive in city limits where the population is over 100,000. This includes Broken Arrow, Norman, and Oklahoma City


Driving Limitation

Passenger Limitation

14-15 years old

  • You can drive to, from, or in conjunction with any farm job, employment, or other farm-related work.

  • If you reside on a farm, you can take the most direct route to or from work and school for school instruction only.

  • OR you may drive at any time while accompanied by an adult (age 18+) sitting in the front seat who holds a valid CDL or Class D license.

You can drive with:

  • Household members who hold a valid CDL or Class D Driver License

  • OR any passenger if accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years old sitting in the front seat

16-16 1/2 years old

  • You can drive from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

  • You can drive to, from, or in conjunction with any farm job, employment, or other farm-related work.

  • You can drive while going to or from authorized school activities.

  • You can drive while going directly to or from a worship service held by a religious organization.

  • OR you may drive at any time while accompanied by an adult (age 18+) sitting in the front seat who holds a valid CDL or Class D license.

You can drive with:

  • 1 passenger

  • Household members who hold a valid CDL or Class D Driver License

  • OR any passenger if accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years old sitting in the front seat

16 1/2-17 years old

  • With a submitted Affidavit of Driver Training, and after holding the Farm Permit for at least 6 months, you can apply for an Unrestricted License.

  • No Passenger Restriction

  • You may be eligible to upgrade to an Unrestricted Driver License

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