Can I get a Hardship Permit (Modified Driver License) to drive while my license is suspended or revoked?
I was not informed that my license had been suspended, why not?
What should I do if I am involved in an accident and I want the wrecker service, called by law enforcement rotation, to take my car to an auto body shop or my home instead of back to the wrecker service storage lot?
I do not live in Oklahoma and my home state says Oklahoma has suspended my license. How do I get this resolved?
Can I get a hardship license in Oklahoma?
How do I gather proof of insurance for reinstatement, if I do not own a vehicle?
May I still get a hardship permit (modified drivers license) to drive if the Hearing Officer ruled against me?
How does the Oklahoma Mandatory Point System work?
How do I clear a Points Suspension?
How long is a point suspension?
What is a Driver Improvement or Defensive Driving Course? Can successful completions of one of these courses aid in the Reduction of Points from my driving record?
Are there other ways to obtain a Reduction of Points from my driving record?
What is a Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Course?
If I didn't have a Driver License at the time of a Proof of Insurance (POI) citation, does the non-surrender fee still apply?
What is Medical Desk?