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Work Orders - Creating A New Work Order
Work Orders - Creating A New Work Order

How to Create a New Work Order

Ted Greenly avatar
Written by Ted Greenly
Updated over a year ago


ServicePower HUB has two ways in which new work orders can be added. The first method is by creating a single new order directly into HUB from the 'New Work Order' page. The page comprises three sections, 'Capture Details,' 'Book Appointments,' and 'Confirm Booking.' An indicator bar highlights in blue the currently active section. The boxes which make up the indicator bar are static and will not progress forward or backward to other areas. Each section must be completed to move forward with all required information being entered first.

Navigating to New Work Order

First Path:

To open the New Work Order page, begin by hovering the mouse over the word 'Orders' from the main menu. When 'Work Orders' appears, hover the mouse over it to show the 'New Work Order' option. Click to open the page.

Second Path:

The 'New Work Order' page can also be reached by clicking the '+New Work Order' button from the work order list page. The button is located on the top left side of the page next to the 'Bulk Upload' link.

Section 1: Capture Details

6 Panels:

This section contains six cards designed to capture important information about a work order. Each card groups related information together to quickly grasp essential data and make locating information easy when a work order is being created. The default view shows the cards in an expanded layout.

Template Tools:

This section functions as a template where a user can save inputted data as a template for future use.

Once the work order has been created it can then be saved with all relative data used as a template for later use. Click on the icon below to save the template.

Once a template has been saved it can then be used for later use by selecting the available template on the Create New Work Order Page using the icon below.

Work Order Data Input:

  1. Begin by clicking inside the blank fields of any card.

  2. Type the information relevant to the field, as specified by the customer's input.

    1. For fields with a drop-down arrow, click the arrow to expand options, using the scroll bar to move up and down the list.

    2. Please select the required option by clicking on it.

  3. All fields requiring detailed comments have two diagonal lines

    in the bottom right corner. This indicates the area can be made larger to accommodate the text entered. To expand these fields, click and drag from the lines to the desired size.

4. Continue filling out the form until all required fields have been entered.

5. Once all required fields have been entered, click on the blue 'Search for Appointment' button to move to the Booking Appointment section.


Section 2 - Book Appointment

After clicking the Search for Appointment button, HUB will temporarily save the newly created work order and open the Book Appointment section. This section provides information about the different components under the 'Available Appointments' header.

Edit Start Date:

These tools set the first date to display a two-week schedule for booking appointments. The Edit Start Date field will default to the current date.

To input the start date simply click on the date field or calendar icon on the upper left side of the page. Upon clicking on either field a calendar will appear, highlighting the date in blue. Click on the highlighted date to update the availability schedule with this date as its starts.

Finally, the Appointment Schedule can be changed for two weeks at a time using the left and right arrows to the right of the calendar icon.

Force Appointments:

Work orders can still be booked on dates with no available time slots by checking the 'Forced Appointments' box. When checked, the dates listed as 'No Slots Available' will update with a new radial button with a time range reflecting operating hours.

Back Button:

A back button is provided should an edit need to be done on the Capture Details section. Using the web browser's back button instead may result in the form losing entered data.

Book Appointment Button:

Once a date has been selected, click the blue book appointment button to assign the date to the work order.

(NOTE: This temporarily holds the time slot for the work order. The time slot will only be applied to the work order after it has been reviewed and saved in section 3.)

Section 3 - Confirm Booking

Success or Error Messages:

Once the booking has been completed, HUB will move to the Confirm Booking page and provide error messages in red boxes, or success messages in green. These messages will slide in the top right panel.

Review & Editing:

The final section allows for the work order to be reviewed for accuracy. Each card has an edit button in the upper right corner allowing for the information in each card to be updated if needed. All edits take place on the same page, with the exception of appointments. Clicking the edit button will move back to the Booking Appointment section.

​Map and GPS Button:

Clicking the map button will toggle on a map view of the address location. The map is powered by Google and features the same functionality. The Zoom buttons allow for a close or wide field of view. The Map also includes a layer button to switch between satellite and map view and a view to include traffic conditions.

Clicking the GPS button will open a window to Google Maps, displaying directions to the job locations.

Completing Work Order:

Once finished, close the window by clicking the Done button at bottom center or manually navigate to another part of ServicePower HUB.

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