As a part of your Servicer Profile, users have the ability to dedicate 100% of a Group's capacity exclusively to a specific network.
Technicians can only exist in one (1) group. Setting a Group's capacity to 100% dedicates all capacity to that specific network*.
To reserve a Group's capacity go to :
Coverage > Networks > Select Network > Capacity > Add > Select group > Save
To add Group Capacity or to review your current setup, select each Network and under the Capacity tab either Add or confirm if capacity is set to 100% to fully dedicate the group to the given network:
To remove any dedicated Group Capacity, simply click the Trash icon within a given Network.
*Important Note: You can only dedicate a full 100% of a group's capacity for a network. A group's capacity is global and shared across all networks. By setting the Group Capacity for a network it will remove capacity from all other networks associated with the group and make the capacity exclusive for said network.