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Link and Configure your QuickBooks Online or NetSuite account with Settle πŸ”—
Link and Configure your QuickBooks Online or NetSuite account with Settle πŸ”—
Becca Campbell avatar
Written by Becca Campbell
Updated over a month ago

This article describes how to set up and configure your accounting software settings in Settle. A list of common QuickBooks Online issues and fixes can be found here.

Settle integrates with QuickBooks Online and NetSuite to make your bookkeeping easier. Linking is a one time process that, once completed, allows you to see bills paid through Settle on your accounting software in real time.

Please note that an active accounting connection is also required for Settle Working Capital.

Link your Accounting Software

To connect your Settle account with QuickBooks Online or NetSuite:

  1. Head to Settings > Accounting from your sidebar.

  2. Select either QuickBooks or NetSuite to start the account linking process. Follow the steps to complete set up.

  3. Your Accounting software will now be connected and you can manually import and sync bills to Settle. Your Settle account is now setup to read and import the latest data from QuickBooks or NetSuite.

Import Open Bills from Accounting Software to Settle

Additionally, you can have the sync auto-import all of your open bills.

  1. Toggle the 'Import open bills' toggle on. All of your current and future open bills in your accounting software will now import to Settle.

Set Write Access from Settle to Accounting Software

You can also configure Settle to write to your accounting software to keep it up to date with the latest data from Settle.

From Settings > Accounting, click the "Configure" button next to "Configure writing" to begin setup.

Please note: to avoid duplicate bills, first disconnect any prior bill-pay services (like from your QuickBooks/NetSuite account before continuing with the next steps.

Now, enable the toggle to Write to your accounting software.

Next, map your bank accounts in Settle to their corresponding accounts in QuickBooks/NetSuite.

You can also enable the toggle to Sync Automatically. This will ensure the integration is syncing bills continuously via a daily (12 am pst) sync from Settle to your Accounting software.

You can choose a date on the 'Sync bills starting from' date field to limit the sync to only sync bills created on or after that date. If you do not set a date, the sync will now create or update any current or future external bills that are in Settle.

For invoices, the Sync start date is based on the invoice date. It is not based on the payment date, due date, etc. If you find that a given invoice isn't syncing, it may be because the invoice date is before the Sync start date. You can set your Sync start date back to a date before the invoice date in order to get the invoice to sync.

Sync Behavior

Once you have enabled the integration and are syncing data between Settle and your accounting software (either through manual syncing individual bills or automatic syncing), the integration will apply the following criteria.

Only categorized bills and vendor credits will sync successfully. If a bill is not assigned a general ledger (GL) account, it will not sync with your accounting software.

For new bills: When a bill is added to Settle via manual file upload or forwarded email, a new bill will be created in your accounting software.

For a bill that already exists in your accounting software: When you want to add a bill to Settle and it is tied to an existing bill in your accounting software, you have 2 options:

  1. You can upload a bill manually or forward the invoice file to your Settle inbox email address. Settle will attempt to automatically match the invoice number and amount to the preexisting bill. Note: If Settle is unable to match the bill to a preexisting bill or if the bill does not contain enough identifying details, you should try Option 2 below.

  2. You can pull a bill from QuickBooks Online/NetSuite into Settle by manually importing the bill. Select Import from QuickBooks/NetSuite after selecting + Add Bill from any page within your Settle account.

Bills can be excluded from syncing to your accounting software by clicking the three dots at the top right of the payable and selecting "Stop Syncing."

You can review your sync errors at any time by visiting the Sync Status page on your sidebar. Reach out to if you come across any errors you don't understand.

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