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Post Trade Analytics

Witness the sFOX edge first-hand

Cory Nuffer avatar
Written by Cory Nuffer
Updated over a week ago

sFOX’s Post Trade Analysis feature is available to all users with an sFOX account. This feature allows users access to in-depth analysis on all completed trades and is a great tool for traders interested in understanding and quantifying how sFOX helps you gain an edge in the crypto markets.

What metrics does Post Trade Analytics capture?

  • Volume by Counterparty: How much of a trade was executed on OTC desks, exchanges, Dark Pool, and with other sFOX clients

  • Volume by Execution Type: How much of the order was executed as taker (aggressive) vs. maker (passive)

  • Fill Price: The price you received for their trade

  • Exchange Index VWAP: A VWAP of all trades between the pair on Coinbase, Kraken, and Gemini during the order duration. Note: these are raw prices that do not include NPR adjustments

  • Risk Transfer Price: The expected price you would have received for a market order at the time the order was placed

  • Arrival Best Bid/Offer: The best bid/offer on the orderbook when the order was placed

  • Final Best Bid/Offer: The best bid/offer on the orderbook when the order finished

How do I access Post Trade Analytics on my completed trades?

  1. Complete a trade

  2. In the “Pro Trader” UI, navigate to the “Done Trades”

  3. Find the “Analysis” column on the far right

  4. Click the information symbol in the row of the trade (see picture below)

  5. You will be presented with the Post Trade Analytics modal for the trade

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