Publishing your Presentation

Make your presentation public by publishing it.

Maurice van Leeuwen avatar
Written by Maurice van Leeuwen
Updated over a week ago

Publish the presentation

Presentation → Publish

You can publish a presentation by clicking on the “Publish” button on the left side menu in the slide overview.

Changed Content
If you change the content of a presentation, a yellow exclamation mark (!) will remind you that an unpublished version is available. You can see this icon at the top of the “Publish” button in the slide overview.

1. Can you solve these issues first?

ShamanCloud always checks whether or not your presentation is complete. The application will inform you by sending an error message with a list of items that have not yet been completed.

Some of the issues that might occur:

  • The presentation has no title

  • There are empty slides in the presentation

  • No users subscribed to the presentation

  • A slide has an undefined link without a destination

  • A slide has a presentation link with an empty destination link

If you receive such a message, you need to go back to the presentation to complete the unfinished parts. After that, you can publish it again.

2. Publish logs

As the next step, the publish logs should appear. The logs provide you information about previous times when the presentation was published.

You can see in the list the date and time of the previously published version, the name of the person who published it, the number of slides that have been added, removed, or changed, and any additional comments made by the content creator.

The publish logs serve an informative purpose. Click on “Publish” to go to the next step.

3. Email & message

In the last step, you will see a message indicating the number of users to whom the presentation will be published.

You can decide whether or not you would like to send an automatic email to subscribers. Select "Yes" if you want to send an email, or pick "No" if you don't want to send an email.

In the message field you can type in a message that will later appear in the subscribers’ email and in the presentation log’s remark field.

You can send emails to subscribers in case you publish a new presentation. Sending emails about updates of existing presentations is disabled by default – but you can change this option in the general settings.

4. Publish now!

Click on “Publish now!” in the upper right corner of the screen to finalize publishing your presentation.

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